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  • Hello, thanks for your replies. Quote from awneil: “Why do you want to do this via RTT? ” I want to test a part of the code which relies on another file transfer protocol, which isn't ready at this point. Since I already have a RTT debug terminal implemented, I thought it'd be quicker to use it for transferring the file even though it's clearly not done for that. Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “Hello Tim, The RTTViewer and RTTClient are not meant to be used that way. However you can use the J-Link SD…

  • Hello, I'm already able to communicate with RTT between my PC and my MCU (nRF52840). Now I'd like to transfer a whole binary file, but so far I did not find any way to do it. What I tried is: - Drag & drop the file to the RTTViewer window => Not possible - Drag & drop the file to the RTTClient terminal => Doesn't do anything - Connect with Putty through Telnet to send the file from there => It seems whatever I write on Putty never reaches the target, I don't know why it doesn't work the same as …