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  • embOSView GNU GCC

    Krzysztof I. - - embOS related


    We're using GCC toolchain from Linaro ( on STM32F401CC. We try to use embOSView using J-Link or J-Trace for Cortex-M through SWD but without any success. Changing "target interface" Speed doesn't help. Below are messages from log window: 005:116: MEM: Error whilre erading 3 bytes properties from address 0xfffffffd. 010:342: COM4 opened (38400 baud. Handle 2a0) 010:342: COM4 closed 010:342: All COMPORTS closed 016:536: MEM: Magic id mismatch. …

  • JLink_Linux_V474

    Krzysztof I. - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hello, 1. According to Your advice I did C Source Code (1 line) and output from GDB client is: "Failed to enable SWO. Syntax: monitor SWO EnableTarget <CPUFreqHz> <SWOFreqHz> <PortMask> <Mode>" As SWOViewer from Windows environment shows: CPUFreq: 15843 kHz SWOFreq: 4000 kHz I have connected through "putty" using telnet to It doesn't show anything. Any advice ? 2. According to Page "J-Link SWO Viewer" - 74 there is code sn…

  • JLink_Linux_V474

    Krzysztof I. - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hello, I'm using J-Link SWD + STM32F407VG + GCC Linaro under Ubuntu 12.04. All tools from JLink_Linux_V474 are working correct except they cannot work simultaneously like on Windows system. e.g. Windows: run JLinkGDBServerCL - to connect gdb clients for debugging, run JLinkSWOViewerCL - to use small printf logging, It runs ok. When on Ubuntu 12.04 I can successfully run only one tool at a time. e.g. 1. run JLinkGDBServer run JLinkSWOViewer - fail run JLinkExe - fail 2. run JLinkSWOViewer run JLi…