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  • Hi everyone, I recently upgraded to JLink software package V6.98e (64-bit Ubuntu Linux, Deb package). While there are now some nice window dialogs and GUIs that weren't previously in the Ubuntu release of the JLink software, I have lost the ability to tab complete and also use operations like "up arrow" to repeat the last command. I reverted my installation to V6.70c and these functions work again. This really cripples my speed when using the JLink repeatedly all day, as I normally use these fun…

  • Hi all, I am working on writing some integration testing scripts for BLE devices running Mbed-OS. The integration test scripts are written in python and use pyserial to interact with a RPC server allowing arbitrary control of BLE clients/servers over a serial port. The boards I am using are nRF52840DK's that have JLink On-Board debuggers. I have been encountering a strange issue where some commands time out because incorrect bytes are inserted into the serial stream. It appears the USB-to-UART b…

  • Thanks for the fast response! This will be a useful feature.

  • Hi everyone, I've been a long-time JLink Base user and find it to be the most reliable debugger/programmer on the market. Anyway, I recently had a use case where I wanted to flash/reset a device with a script using JLinkExe. The script is unfortunately unaware of the target device's name and so I thought it would be sufficient to use the last-used device (called <Default> when using the CLI). I am simply using a temporarily-created command script and passing in a bunch of flags so the user doesn…