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  • Thanks for the answer, I'll try to repoduce it later and upload it. For my 2:en question - The J-Trace PRO Cortex-M is advertised as an limitless streaming trace (I mean instruction tracing), which I thought only was limited by writes to disk (or PC memory) if the USB/Ethernet speed is enough and the internal 64 Mbyte buffer was only for handling the burstiness of ETM trace data etc.? (here it's claimed to be possible to use terabytes of data, ) It seems that in this t…

  • Hi, this is basicly the same problem that was seen and solved in [SOLVED] Ozone Power Graph - start/stop recording when debugging I am using the Segger Trace Pro Cortex-M with the STM32H7 Segger demo board with the demo project for that board loaded into Ozone. When recording power at 200kHz, the power recording does not stop when hitting a breakpoint, it just continous until I set the sampling frequency to Off. Latest software version of Ozone (downloaded 2024-march-20), and the latest software…