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  • Thanks so much for your reply Alex! The target is 3.3V luckily, so we are ok there. TRST is an issue though. Looking at the Beaglebone Black schematics, TRST, is wired to GND via a 4k7 resistor. The J-Link Edu is pulling TRST high during debugging, but our J-Link Edu Mini configuration had the TRST line disconnected. Pulling TRST to 3.3V allowed the J-Link Edu Mini to debug the AM3359. Yay! However, this needs to be disconnected briefly and reconnected again each time we wish to debug which isn'…

  • Hi there, We are looking at transitioning from our current teaching system of a Beaglebone Black -> TI-CTI-20 -> J-Link Edu to using a J-Link Mini Edu. According to J-Link Configurator V7.96b, I have the following hardware versions, J-Link Edu: V10.10, J-Link Edu Mini: V1.00. When I connect the J-Link Edu I can identify the Cortex-A8 in the AM3359 and connect to it. However, when replacing the J-Link Edu with the J-Link Mini Edu I receive an error that TDO is constantly high and I am unable to c…