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  • I'm using OZone, JFlash, Flasher Portable with Open Flash Loader for custom board using STM32F730V8, but I ran into unnecessary troubles due to lack of understanding of how to write JLinkDevices.xml. The following description is tested with OZone (v3.22a) and J-Link (V6.92). Also, by executing JLinkDLLUpdater.exe, OZone is set to refer to J-Link (v6.92). 1) Inheritance of existing device settings From the J-Link release notes and the URL below, I thought that it could not be inherited with the A…

  • Hi Niklas, I could not attach the project file with a previous reply because of the number of files, so I will attach it here. As it was the only program to reproduce the problem as before, it is not useful anything else. Best regards, Masa

  • Hi Niklas, I tried OZone 2.42. In this version, I was able to confirm that the display of local variables is as expected. And the problem of item number 2), 3) was also fixed. However, problems that can not be handled by distinguishing variables of the same name have not been solved. The TrueStudio v 7.1.2 can not distinguish it in the same way, but is it difficult to solve this problem? It will be helpful if you improve the following points. 1) If variables with different addresses are the same…

  • Hi Niklas, Sorry for slow response. > the pointer references issue is resolved in version 2.40d of Ozone. The version 2.40d is better than previous one. But it has still problems.   1) For Global Variable is OK. 2) For Local Valiable is not OK. It is always NULL. 3) Regarding the same variable name, the variable scope does not seem to work and the address becomes illegal.    This may be the same problem that OZone can not distinguish static global variables of the same name. For your answer, 1) …

  • Hi Niklas, I attached a set of project files only to solve this problem. This project is a project for the TrueStudio generated by the STM32CubeMX, and the operation itself is meaningless. Please use this project file to analyze the problem.  By the way, while I tried various build options of this project file, I understood the cause of the problem. The problem only occurred when the optimization option was set to "-Og". Therefore, the ELF file of the attached file is generated with "-Og". The E…

  • Hi Niklas, I can provide the elf file to you. But do you have execution environment ? I am using STM32F769NI-DICO board. I thought that it was an easily reproducible bug, but is not it? Because it only refers to values instead of address lookups.  For example compare plu16_test and u16_test in Local_variable.jpg. The Value column of plu16_test is 0x221234, but it is correctly 0x1234. The value of Location column is correct as it points to the same address as lu16_test. Since the value of the mem…

  • Hi, Thank you for your reply. I tried this issue with the OZone 2.40c. Latest OZone is better than previous one, but it has still problem for pointer reference. I attached two capture screen of OZone (local valiable and global variable). Please check these picture. Best regards, Masa

  • Hi, I am using OZone [V2.32]. I noticed that OZone can not distinguish static global variables of the same name while debugging. My C program works fine, and I have analyzed the elf file and confirmed that there are no problems with the program. Since there is no choice, this problem is avoided by changing to a unique name. Is there a good way to deal with the same name? Regards, Masa

  • Hi, I am debugging STM32F769NI using OZone[ V2.32]. The ELF file was generated by gcc. Currently data bit fields other than 32 bits can not be displayed correctly. For example, in the case of code like the following, it will look like the attached figure. Is there a way to display the bit field of 8-bit or 16-bit data correctly? I have confirmed that other debuggers can display correctly. Source Code (32 lines) Regards  masa