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  • Working with nRF53832 Cortex M4 SWO output is configured for UART logging stream. Setup code is... void SWO_Init(void) { uint32_t SWOSpeed = 57600; // default baud rate uint32_t SWOPrescaler = (CPU_CORE_FREQUENCY_HZ / SWOSpeed) + 1; // SWOSpeed in Hz, CoreDebug->DEMCR = CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk; // enable trace in core debug */ *((volatile unsigned *)(ITM_BASE + 0x400F0)) = 0x00000002; // "Selected PIN Protocol Register": Select which protocol to use for trace output (2: SWO NRZ, 1: SWO Manche…

  • Hi I am having similar issues with SES If I create a macro ROOT=c: in the build options at project level, then define $(ROOT)\NixInclude in the user includes The header files in that directory are not found... user includes "say" they will use macro expansion. But the exported build for the offending source file simply has -I$(ROOT)\NixInclude - not the macro-expanded version I have tried these at all levels, from solution down to individual source file, and cannot seem to figure it out. Probabl…