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  • That .jdebug file is automatically generated by Nordic toolkit for vscode and matches my first posts error message. The error was when I tried to use Ozones new project wizard. I am using bootloader. The merged.hex file consists of the bootloader and the application. zephyr.elf is only for application. On nRF9160 this .jdebug file works just fine. Only difference is that SetDevice is set to nRF9160 and not nRF9161. But with nRF9161 I get error on verification phase. Is it possible to skip verifi…

  • I tried to create project trough new project wizard. I got an Cortex-M BusFault Exception error. Cortex-M BusFault Exception. Source Code (6 lines) Console output Brainfuck Source Code (73 lines)Here is the .jdebug file which Ozone uses when using "Debug with Ozone" button on Visual Studio Code if that helps. Source Code (19 lines)

  • Hi, I'm developing software for Nordic nRF9161 and using Ozone for debugging. I use Nordics nRF Connect for VS Code to write the code and launch the debugging from VS code with Debug with Ozone button. Previously when using nRF9160 using "Program & Reset Program" and "Attach to Running Program" worked just fine. Now when using nRF9161 the "Program & Reset Program" fails with this error message Source Code (2 lines)When selecting nRF9160 under "Tools->J-Link Settings" it works just fine (even whe…