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  • Thanks, Alex. This "did the trick". Once I erased the chips everything is back to normal. Should have figured that out myself ... Rob

  • Hello, I have been using J-Link for a while now, developping my app. on an ATMEL AT91SAM7X512 device. Everything is working nicely, including the download and debugging in flash. I now have a problem on one of my 2 development boards; I can not download any more. Seems like the device can not be accessed. I tried downloading and using the latest Beta, but it does not make a difference. So far no problem, but I am afraid that the second board could also lock up. Any clues ?

  • STR912 revived

    Rob Luebke - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Wow, that was not too hard! Thanks, it worked and was actually quite simple. I am back in business and can reprogram my chip. I never heard about this tool before, so thank you very much for your help. Cheers, Rob

  • STR912 locked

    Rob Luebke - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hello, I am using IAR and J-Link with STR912. So far so good, but every once in a while it seems I "kill" the chip. I can not connect to the chip again, all I get is a message like "Write memory error @ address 0x00000000, Adaptive clocking timeout." I already replaced 2 MCUs. Any clues on what's going on ? Is there anyway to "revive" the chips ? Thanks, Rob