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  • [SOLVED] Linux Studio packages

    krska - - General


    Hello. Thank you for your prompt reply (and sorry for my delayed response). Thank you for the clarification. If I understand it correctly, we are unable to refresh the package list in SEGGER Linux Studio because there is no package repository? Regarding the cross compilation, could you, please, share any guess on when would be put into development? It would suffice to know If we are talking in months, years,... Thank you! Best regards, Josef Krska

  • [SOLVED] Linux Studio packages

    krska - - General


    Hello. Me and my colleagues are interested in the development of applications for embedded Linux systems (e.g., running on ARM-A9 architectures). For that we would like to use your Linux Studio (preferably with remote debugging). However, we are not able to create even a simple example application because the Linux Studio does not support architectures other than x86 and we are unable to download any support packages, since the package list is empty (unable to refresh) and the package repository…

  • Hello, thank you for your reply! I was able to change the keyboard mapping to suit my needs. Thanks for your advice. Best regards, JK

  • Hi, I would like to ask if there is a way how to edit keyboard shorcuts in SES (e.g. I would like to remap Show suggestions from CTRL+J to CTRL+Space). Thanks Best regards Josef Krska