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  • Dear all, I try to write the option byte of a STM32U575CIU6 with a J-Link PLUS, the J-Link Commander V7.86 and the given unlock example from the SGGER wiki. Device Cortex-M33 SelectInterface SWD Speed 4000 Connect Reset Write4 0x40022008 0x45670123 Write4 0x40022008 0xCDEF89AB Write4 0x40022010 0x08192A3B Write4 0x40022010 0x4C5D6E7F Write4 0x40022040 "Value to write" Write4 0x40022028 0x00020000 Sleep 100 Write4 0x40022028 0x08000000 Sleep 50 Sleep 50 Reset The point I am struggling is that the…