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  • Hello 1. When using SES with GDB server for debugging, SES would send packages like '$vCont;s:0#22' '$vCont;c:0#12'. It uses thread id 0 here which means 'an arbitrary thread' according to GDB protocol. Some GDB server does not accept such an ambiguous identity, could SES team change the id from 0 to 1 which means the first thread or change to -1 to represent all threads? 2. SES does not support GDB RLE, which uses * to represent a bunch of repetive data. Could SES team add support for it?

  • I've compared the description between J-Link PLUS V11 - SEGGER Wiki and J-Link PLUS V12 - SEGGER Wiki. It seems V12 only differs in USB Web Server feature. Is there any other limitations for V11? I'm currently using two V11 probes, both works just fine. Also please tell me the software maintanance plan for V11 hardwares, especially the firmware maintanance, such as new device support. In the newest Jlink software release note, only V12 gets Arm Cortex-M52 support. I want to know if software main…

  • I'm using J-link for a RISC-V application, when the commander connects to the target, it prompts some strange hint 'RISC-V: The connected J-Link (S/N 851005533) uses an old firmware module V1 with known problems / limitations.' but the firmware is up-to-date, please help me know what it means and what limitations are they? Log when connecting to target: SEGGER J-Link Commander V7.94f (Compiled Jan 17 2024 15:36:28) DLL version V7.94f, compiled Jan 17 2024 15:35:18 Connecting to J-Link via USB...…

  • Hello my dear team. I want to know if Segger Embedded studio For RISC-V support the P extension for faster DSP processing? I cannot find relavant info about if it's supported. But emVDSP seems to support it, so please tell me if SES support too.

  • Hello my dear Segger Team. I'd love to use Ozone which provides excellent user experience. But I have a little trouble and I'd like to ask for help. Many RTOS like ThreadX, RT-Thread support dynamic module. We need to create at least wo projects, one is the module manager, and the other is the module. For debugging, Ozone needs to load symbols from the two ELF files corresponding to different flash address ranges. I searched the Ozone manual, I didn't find trace of support for this. Using File.O…

  • Thank you, Nino. And I'd like to know whether J-Link Edu would have a compact form as the Base and Plus product line ?

  • Ray Chang, [2021/12/24 9:17] Thank you Nino. The J-link is quite an amazing debug probe. I have one but it's not as tiny as a STLINK. I would try it later. As for the flash programming issue, I still have a feature wish. When I restart a debug session in SES, a flash pogramming would be executed anyway but it's not needed since the code hasn't changed during the whole debug session. Can SES change the logic of restarting a debug session into directing reset the MCU instead of reprogramming the c…

  • The SES does not adapt to small screen well, the problem lies in the 'Project Explorer' panel, as it does not have a horizontal scroll bar on the bottom, when the width of this panel is small, the toolbar buttons and files shown inside would not display completely, as shown in the attachments. I think it's a good idea to add a scroll bar in the bottom of this panel, and collaps the toolbar buttons into a click-and-shown context menu so all buttons are accessble even when the window size of SES i…

  • The Segger Embedded Studio is a very good IDE, but I think the debugger could change a little bit better. Now I use the SES for a STM32 based development using STLINK GDB server as the debugging device in SES. When I restart the debugger session. the binary would be downloaded into the Flash inside the MCU but it's already there, so I think SES should not download the flash in this situation, the enduration of flash is limited. I think SES should verify the contents before downloading, if matche…