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  • I want to use my RTT output stream with another command line program for plotting purposes. It looks like it's possible with JLinkRTTClient.exe $ .\JLinkRTTClient.exe > C:\Users\gabriel\temp\test.txt That said, I'd like to be able to select the channel. Something like this: $ .\JLinkRTTClient.exe --channel 2 > C:\Users\gabriel\temp\test.txt Do you know how I could achieve this?

  • Hi Simon, Thanks for checking the log. Can you elaborate on the permission/firewall issues? Don't you think it would be surprising that RemoteServerCL would be blocked, but RemoteServer would work fine? Regards, Gabriel

  • Hi Simon, thanks for your support. Log when successful (using JLinkRemoteServer.exe -Log C:\dev\jl.log) Source Code (49 lines) The log with the failed attempt: Source Code (25 lines) Regards, Gabriel

  • I'm using successfully the JLinkRemoteServer GUI with the following configuration:(see attached file) I want my computer to launch Jlink server at startup. Therefore I want to use the headless version: JLinkRemoteServerCl.exe, but I'm not able to connect succesfully. My guess is that I'm not using the correct flag, but the ? help is not very detailed. How do I reproduce my config using command line flags? Regards, Gabriel

  • Hi, I'm using Segger RTT with A TI Hercules RM46L (ARM® Cortex®-R4F 32-Bit RISC CPU), and I want to use RTT in background mode. My problem is that the AP map detection seems to fail and fall back to the "Stop mode". Imgur link because the forum is complaining about message size While the SEGGER wiki does not mention it supports the cortex-R core, the Using RTT on Cortex-A/R based devices application notes mention that it can be enabled if the AHB-AP exist …

  • I'm trying to use RTT Viewer for logging and SystemView for tracing at the same time. Is it possible? If so, what are the steps to make sure they integrate properly with each other? Can I simply do: C Source Code (5 lines) Best regards, Gabriel

  • I'm trying to use the segger RTT SEGGER_RTT_vprintf to print a string with padding. The following code doesn't seem to work properly C Source Code (1 line) The padding behaviour doesn't work as mentioned in the documentation. * Expected * 10 TEST - module * Actual * 10 TEST - module When looking at the code, in "%s" mode, the FieldWith seems ignored C Source Code (13 lines) RTT version: 7.84d Best, Gabriel

  • Hi, I'm trying to better understand the RTT architecture and I can't find the information on the wiki. It seems RTT is configured to have 3 aUp buffers and 3 aDown buffers. What is the purpose of those 3 buffers? I would like my CLI application on terminal 0 (in and out), and my logging to terminal 1 (out). What settings configuration would you recommend to achieve those requirements? Thanks Regards, Gabriel