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  • emwin fonts under windows

    vaibhavtritek - - emWin related


    well i just want to know is there any equivalent or near equivalent of these fonts already present in windows or any installation process for the same are these fonts specifically designed for emwin or they are any kind of the generalized fonts like ttf library

  • emwin fonts under windows

    vaibhavtritek - - emWin related


    Hello, I am developing a Page Designer on a Windows-7 32-bit platform. The designed page is finally supposed to get displayed on a LPC1788 Platform using emWin Library that is made available for NXP users. For this i need to use emWin internal fonts like, 1.GUI_Font8_ASCII 2.GUI_FontComic 3.GUI_Font20F_ASCII under windows(preferrably with all their attributes like height , boldness,spacing etc.). This is required so that the user can select these fonts and can have a feel how exactly the page wi…