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  • I've got an elf I've built using a Linux based docker container that I want to debug using Ozone on Windows. I've got the problem that Ozone can't resolve the file paths. When I try to load a file I get the following error: Source Code (1 line) I've tried using the following thinking that it would substitute and resolve the further path, but it doesn't seem to work: Source Code (1 line)I'm not seeing any error logging as to what it's trying to resolve and failing either. Any suggestions on how t…

  • I'm also interested in this. Only replying because I can't figure out how to do a "Watch Thread".

  • I think that I somehow set the flash protection bits. Is there a way to recover, or is my board now a paperweight? Running Jflash when I connect I get a dialog "Protection bytes in flash at addr 0x400-0x40F indicate that the readout protection is set" However when I tell it to go ahead and mass erase it doesn't clear the issue. Running J-Link's "unlock Kinetis" command results in "Unlocking device...Timeout while unlocking device." When I attempted to connect to my device I got the following out…