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  • Maybe there is a misunderstanding; my company has no commercial target but we make only research projects...

  • This is S/N: 269307897...I confirm the VCOM feature is available on my j-Link, but I'd like to know how use it as debug UART...

  • Hi, I'm using a jLink EDU debugger with my stm32f411re mcu; I recently discovered the VCOM feature and I'm wondering if I use it as a debug UART for my firmware instead of use a hw UART from mcu. In other words I'd like to print on this VCOM port debug message from my code and see them on a PC. Is it possible or the VCOM feature have another issue ? Regards

  • Dear Niklas, while waiting your answer I have disinstalled all and check for a previous version of SEGGEER sw pack; I found the 5.00 version (the last version is 5.12g) and installed it and all seems to work perfectly. So I want to thank you for your patiance and support. Regards

  • Thanks Niklas for your help; I have disinstalled anything related to SEGGER or Keil, downloaded the SEGGER sw pack as you told me and when I connected the board to the PC this is what I see in device management: so I started J-Link Commander: but when I clik on NO this is what happens: As you can see I can't load the drivers on my J-Link. Could you tell me how solve…

  • Hi, this is my first time I write in this forum and I hope someone can help me with a big problem I'm facing in the last days. I have a Nordic nRF52 DK with an on-board J-Link debugger; I have installed Keil and nRF Tools (in which there is the SEGGER software pack 5.12f) but in device management (my PC has Windows 10 64bit) the J-Link has always a question mark becuase it cannot load the right drivers. I tried to install the Keil with the latest version of SEGGER software pack, but nothing has …