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  • Hi, I would like to use a 7" lcd from Buydisplay with SPI 4 wires bus and i can't find config files for RA8875. aften LCD_X_Config function, if i configure the size of the LCD (800x480) with LCD_SetSizeEx (0, 800,480); the system bugs . The other parts of the configuration are OK. I use Emwin library 5.30. Please help. Thank's in advance. Fet

  • Quote from chiasyan: “Hi, I am using emWin v5.26/v5.28 with RA8875 and STM32F2. The display works fine. However, when I add the function GUI_CURSOR_Show() right after GUI_Init(), the program just halts. Please assist. Thank you. --- Edit #1: Could it be the GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66721 requests touch panel data directly from RA8875? (in which case I need to initialize the RA8875 properly first?) --- Edit #2: Forgot to implementpfReadM16_A0(), now working properly. --- ”