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  • OS_Use leads to unexpected jump

    Daniel - - embOS related


    Hello Til, Thank you for your fast feedback. I used a soft debug trace which logged the executed lines of code into an array. I traced the line before and after OS_Use, but the line after in fact was never reached. So I thought the ret-address from the call OS_Use was corrupted somehow during execution. The question is, if during OS_Use another task may come in charge and interfer, or is a taskswitch not possible during this function? An indicator is in the project all tasks are running on same …

  • OS_Use leads to unexpected jump

    Daniel - - embOS related


    Hello Segger-Forum-Team, I'm using the embOS for MSP430 and now have a problem by the use of the OS_Use method. For the time my LCD is used, the LCD shall be blocked for other tasks. C Source Code (24 lines) The problem is now, that sometimes (not always and quite seldom) the PC jumps to a not executable area in memory during performing the OS_Use method. It looks a kind of a corrupted ret-address on stack, but I wasn't able yet to catch this issue in the moment it goes wrong. What I know is, th…