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  • Hi Alex Totally agree, it doesn't make sense, but these guys from Mikroelektronika are well known for building such traps into their product Daniel

  • Hi I solved the problem for me. Solution: I changed to the original ST-LINK/V2 adapter, and this adapter (or better the ST-Link Utility Software) told me after the first connect, that the "ReatOut Protection" was set to "Level 1: memory read protection enabled" in the so called "Option Bytes". Reset that to "Level 0: no protection", and everything works fine. Information:…-option-bytes-135151.html Maybe your software does not cover that, or i didn't find the hint i…

  • Hi Alex Thanks for the answer The target board is a Connection is from the JLink-EDU over the ST-Link V2 Adapter (on the mikroe webpage below) to the JTAG-Header (solderd in by me) of the board. The binary is the working "Blinky" example from the STM32F4Discovery board. It's compiled by me, is flashable over the USB-port with the "stlink" utility on Linux, and it runs. I can attach the binary t…

  • Hi I would like flash my STM32F407VGT Board, but get Error-messages while flashing. My Script (i work under Linux): Source Code (10 lines) Error-Messages: Brainfuck Source Code (67 lines) What am i doing wrong ? On other boards with STM32F107, it works well. Thanks for any help Daniel

  • Thanks, was not sure about that. Daniel

  • Hi Just as a feedback. After a long time working with OpenOCD, i've made another try with the Linux-SW from Segger. Here is the script, that is working for me now. It's just a flashing example: Source Code (12 lines)

  • No, and as you see, no answer from Segger The Linux Beta Software seems to be only a marketing trick to get more customer. You know, that you can work with OpenOCD 0.4.0 with the JLink EDU ? That works ok on Linux, but on Windows it's a nightmare with this paranoid OpenSource Guys and their decision not to allow to distribute a binary version of OpenOCD with the closed-source USB Driver. On Linux it's easy to compile your own version, but on Windows it's not so easy. Another bad point in OpenOCD…

  • Hi I know that the JLink EDU is not officially supported under Linux. But i bought one because i saw the Linux Beta Software and now unfortunatly it does noth work. [a239368:>jlink SEGGER J-Link Commander V4.03a ('?' for help) Compiled Aug 4 2009 12:13:06 DLL version V4.03a, compiled Aug 4 2009 12:12:42 Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Dec 1 2009 11:42:48 Hardware: V8.00 S/N : 268000082 OEM : SEGGER-EDU Feature(s) : FlashBP VTarget = 3.267V Info: TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01 Info: Found Cortex…