Hi I still don't get howthe KEYBOARD widget works. There is an example that uses disk access that I don't have in my board. Could ou please provide a simple example like this ?: youtube.com/watch?v=1hrHXc8WgAM The code behind that example would be fine. Best regards
Hi I have a graph over the entire screen. Iwant to put a button over the graphm but as soon as the graph get initialized the button disapear. How to set the button visible ? Best regards
Hi I created a non-blocking dialog and want to reveive some information from the dialog without using global/static variables. Any sugestion ? Best regards
Hi I have a functionality problem regarding DROPDOWN widget. Description: I have a dialog full of dropdown and edit widgets. There is an Edit widget placed below a dropdown widget. I have implemented a virtual keyboard that is triggered when an Edit widget is touched. The problem arise when the Dropdown is opened and after selecting an item that is "over" the Edit widget (below) the Dropdown is closed and then the Edit is now selected and the virtual keyboard is triggered. This is very annoying.…
Hi I want to load the entire emWin library into FLASH and be able to use it from bootloader and app. In order to this need to create a file with all references to functions in the emWin library. Do you have this list ? Best regards
Hi i did some test with a slightly modified version of keypad.c (found in this forum) called from a dialog window (with 2 edit widget). When I run the dialog and press one of the edit widgets an event (WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED) is triggered and the virtual keyboard (in edit.c) is called. To work properly i need to disable the dialog (in keypad.c) because sometimes the virtual keyboard is called more than once. Apparently the callback mechanism of the dialog is called from inside the vurtual keybo…
Workaround : U16 LCD_DEVFUNC_READPIXEL_CUSTOM(int LayerIndex) { PortAPI.pfWrite16_A0(0x2e); return PortAPI.pfRead16_A1(); } void LCD_X_Config(void) { . . . . LCD_SetDevFunc(0, LCD_DEVFUNC_READPIXEL, LCD_DEVFUNC_READPIXEL_CUSTOM); } Same can be used for LCD_DEVFUNC_READMPIXELS function Regards
Hi Writing a pixel and reading it back gives different values: GUI_DrawPixel(0, 0); pixel = GUI_GetPixelIndex(0, 0); If I use my own function it works OK GUI_DrawPixel(0, 0); pixel = _GUI_GetPixelIndex(0, 0); Regards
Hi This function has an error. It first set column and page address and then should set a read_memory_start (0x2e) but instead it sets a write_memory_start (0x2c). Regards
Hi In my project there is no touchscreen but an external keyboard. Want to intercept key ESCAPE (0x1b) when a DROPDOWN widget has focus. Apparently function callback() never is triggered when key ESCAPE is pressed. How to sove this ? Regards