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  • STemWin screen tearing

    kubazdz - - emWin related


    Hello, I have created a thread recently (STemWin 532 with STM32F777 screen tearing) but now I'm creating a new one, because it turns out that the problem still exists but of a little different nature. I am strruggling really hard to locate what is causing screen tearing in my project, but it happens so randomly after adding some portions of code, and then after adding more, it stops. I'm wondering what would be general causes of screen tearing and where to look for the problem? Thanks, Jakub Zdz…

  • @rxtian thank you for your answer. Screen width acctualy was 832, but what is even more bizzare is that the problem seems to disapear after I added some more code. I hope it won't come back, but for now it is solved

  • Hello, I'm developing an UI project on custom board with STM32F777BI and WF70GTZAGDNG0 (800x480 TFT) using STemWin 532 library. Everything was going great and smooth until recently i added new file to the project (qwerty.c). What happened after adding this file is that the screen started tearing (I'm not sure if it is tearing or how to call it as the menu is mostly static, it is blinking every 1-5 seconds, seems like it tries to draw correct frame but moved by few pixels, but it happens too quic…