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  • Change Cursor Width

    Aditya Mittal - - emWin related


    Hello, Is there a way to change Cursor width in Edit Widget? If yes then how? I want to display '3-digit' number in my edit box and want to extend the cursor width to all three digits and when user tries to change the value, it increments by '1' always, as the cursor is placed at One's position of the number. Thanks in Advance -Aditya Mittal

  • Hello, WE were using emWin earlier with one of our systems with following components: MCU Part number: LPC1788 SDRAM Part number: IS42S32800D (8M x 32, 256Mb SYNCHRONOUS DRAM) emWin Driver: V5.18, GUIDRV_Lin_OXY_16_API mode Color Conversion: GUICC_M565 This was working fine. However for one of our new project we have changed the SD RAM which is AS4C16M16SA (256M – (16Mx16bit) Synchronous DRAM). This has led to the changes in SD RAM initialization routine of our system which we have already done.…

  • Hello, I have an application where I would want to update date-time stamp every one second (precisely speaking would want to update time-stamp every 1 second). I have displayed date and time values in a particular string format and displayed it in a TEXT widget (I have converted date time formatted values to a desired string format using 'sprintf' function). Now if I want to update that value at regular interval, what is the best possible solution to do so. The TEXT Widget I am using does not ha…

  • CHECKBOX_Widget

    Aditya Mittal - - emWin related


    Hello Thorsten, Thanks for your reply. But I don't think I understood you clearly. Actually I am referring to small box (where tick mark is displayed, which is checked) which is a part of complete check box. While creating the check box widget, this 'small box' is by default aligned to top left section of the widget. I wanted to ask if that box could be re-sized or aligned as per my requirement. For exact understanding please find the attached JPEG, in which complete check box widget has been hi…

  • CHECKBOX_Widget

    Aditya Mittal - - emWin related


    Hello, Is it possible to align the 'box' in Check Box widget or change the dimensions of the 'box' in Check box? If yes, then how? Also I would like to know the method other than skinning of widget to change the dimension of the 'box' in Check box. I was wondering if we can set the dimensions of the 'box' while calling the function "CHECKBOX_CreateIndirect" as we can change the dimension of particular Icon in "ICONVIEW_CreateIndirect" function? Regards Aditya Mittal

  • Customizing emWin Library

    Aditya Mittal - - emWin related


    Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to customize emWin Library for my very specific and restricted needs. I just want to display some data on LCD without using GUI_Init and other library functions (I have also observed that if I do not use GUI _Init function and just use LCD Driver files my code size is below 10K, but on using GUI_Init the code size increases to more than 55 K approx.), but by just using some basic routines from EmWin Library. The reason I need this is for reducing the…

  • Customizing emWin Library

    Aditya Mittal - - emWin related


    Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to customize emWin Library for my very specific and restricted needs. I just want to display some data on LCD without using GUI_Init and other library functions (I have also observed that if I do not use GUI _Init function and just use LCD Driver files my code size is below 10K, but on using GUI_Init the code size increases to more than 55 K approx.), but by just using some basic routines from EmWin Library. The reason I need this is for reducing the…

  • Setting text in Icons

    Aditya Mittal - - emWin related


    Hello, Thanks for the previous reply. I would also like to know the details and usage of following items in file GUI.h #define GUI_DRAW_BMP8888 &GUI_BitmapMethods8888 /* Method table ! */ While converting an image in Bitmap Converter this entity is by default placed in array of type "GUI_BITMAP" as its last element. Please let me know where can I find this function pointer's details and what argument it uses. For example in which situation to use GUI_DRAW_BMP8888, or GUI_DRAW_BMPM888 or GUI_DRAW…

  • Setting text in Icons

    Aditya Mittal - - emWin related


    Hello, Thanks for the previous reply. I would also like to know the details and usage of following items in file GUI.h #define GUI_DRAW_BMP8888 &GUI_BitmapMethods8888 /* Method table ! */ While converting an image in Bitmap Converter this entity is by default placed in array of type "GUI_BITMAP" as its last element. Please let me know where can I find this function pointer's details and what argument it uses. For example in which situation to use GUI_DRAW_BMP8888, or GUI_DRAW_BMPM888 or GUI_DRAW…

  • Setting text in Icons

    Aditya Mittal - - emWin related


    Hello, Is it possible to set text over an Image for an icon in Icon view? Thanks

  • Setting text in Icons

    Aditya Mittal - - emWin related


    Hello, Is it possible to set text over an Image for an icon in Icon view? Thanks

  • Ok, Thanks a lot Adrian. Regards Aditya

  • Hello, So you mean that I will get the notification message in parent window if the TEXT Widget was clicked or released irrespective of the emWin software version that I am using? Even in version 5.18, although user manual 5.18 does not explicitly mentions it any where. Kindly confirm this. Regards Aditya Mittal

  • Hello, I think I have got the information for what I was looking for. The details of the element 'I32 Para' mentioned in "GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO" structure is given in emWin manual V 5.26. Manual reads the following text: "The upper 16 bit of the element Para of the according GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO structure are used according to the parameter xSizeItems of the function ICONVIEW_CreateEx(). The lower 16 bit of the element Para are used according to the parameter ySizeItems of the function ICONVI…

  • Hello, I am using emWin Library version 5.18 for development. Is it possible to have notifications for Text Widget (Clicked, Released etc.) in this version without much modifications as they are supported in latest version of emWin Library (which apparently is 5.26). As per my requirements I want to have some widgets which are user navigable (using external hardware arrow key sort of buttons) and upon selecting that widget I can get some notifications for those. I don't want to use buttons for t…

  • Hello, I am referring to the user manual Version 5.18 (while the latest one is V 5.26). This is because I am using the V 5.18 version library. In the manual, I saw the structure: typedef struct { GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_FUNC * pfCreateIndirect; // Create function const char * pName; // Text (not used for all widgets) I16 Id; // Window ID of the widget I16 x0, y0, xSize, ySize; // Size and position of the widget I16 Flags; // Widget-specific flags (or 0) I32 Para; // Widget-specific parameter (or 0) U3…

  • Hello, I want to increase the area of icon that I am using in Iconview Widget. Actually the main issue that I am facing is if my text set in Icons is too long, then it over laps the icon image [as in case of 'LCD Brightness' (enabled Word Wrap)] or it gets truncated from either sides [as in case of 'Date/Time' (word wrap disabled)]. So Kindly suggest a way to solve this problem. I have attached the image (Problem Image.png) for the reference of the problem statement. I am using 320 x 240 area fo…