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  • SystemView 3.12, STM32H743ZI with FreeRTOS .. hard to describe: 1) When opening the Recorder Configuration Dialog, and have a IP Connection configured, the Dialog shows "Serial Number" instead of "IP or Nickname". The correct "IP or Nickname" is only shown after selecting "USB", and then re-selecting "IP". 2) The same is true for the input field of the RTT group. You have to select "Auto", and "Address" again, before the field is visible. 3) When switching between "Address" and "Search Range", i…

  • SystemView 3.12, STM32H743ZI with FreeRTOS In SystemView 2.52, there was an option to use an "Existing Session". So it was possible to run Ozone and SystemView at the same time, and it also solved the RTT Block search issues (see my other bug report). Is this feature gone for good? Or is there a way to do it in 3.12? Best regards, Thomas

  • SystemView 3.12, STM32H743ZI with FreeRTOS Hi! I've placed my RTT buffers in DTCM RAM to keep AXI and cache contention down. (The actual address is 0x2001c2f4) Unfortunately, the "Auto" search function does not find my buffers. I have to enter a manual search range of "0x20000000 131072". Could you add the DTCM area to the auto search? best regards, Thomas

  • Cool! I just installed Ozone_Linux_V310h_x86_64.deb and updated my JLink using JLink_Linux_V672a_x86_64.deb Everything seems to work now, DBGMCU registers can be read out correctly and trace still works. Thanks for the great fix! We can now enable ETF by default for all our debug sessions!

  • I think, SystemView 3.12 has the same problem. The .deb installs fine in Ubuntu 20.04, but gives this Error: SystemView: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  • Any updates? Best regards, Thomas

  • Ozone 3.10f (Linux): Paste this into source view, and observe wrong behavior: C Source Code (6 lines)(The forum software gets it right ) best regards, Thomas

  • We are still experiencing this problem. Do you have any update? Best regards, Thomas

  • Hi Nino! I just found out that it was my fault. Ozone shows the data and function entries as expected! Sorry for the noise best regards, Thomas

  • Hi! Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “Therefore we suggest that you correct the HAL-init to use the right address space (see above). ” I think you may have posted the wrong screenshot. Perhaps you meant chapter 59.5.8. ? But, unfortunately, 0xE00E1000 also reads as zero. You should be able to reproduce that result on your side. Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “The work-around/hack is not recommended. ” I was not yet able to find a work-around.. Of course, I could fake the HAL_GetREVID function, but we ha…

  • Do you have any update on this topic?

  • Ozone 3.10d In C, it's possible to have two distinct global static variables or functions with the same name in different source files. For example: a.c static int foo; static void bar(void) { } b.c static int foo; static void bar(void) { } In this case, the "Global Data" and "Functions" View lists only one of them (depending on the order in the linked .elf file). I would expect that all variables and functions are shown with their according source file in the "Scope" column.

  • Do you have any update on this topic? Or do you have an example work-around script? It's not entirely clear how I could write one myself..

  • Hi! I haven't checked on 2) yet. But regarding ETF-Trace: Does that mean, that the Timestamps checkbox does not work for ETF? Then I think that the combined Data sampling/Instruction trace window is a little bit misleading.. I was confused for a few hours, until I connected a scope and noticed the bogus time measurements. If it's not on the same timeline, data samples and trace really should not be shown to be correlated.

  • Googling for 0x5C001000 turns up some interesting results.. This might be relevant to you: "On the STM32H743 there is an APB-AP on APSEL 2 which I suppose may be present on other STM32's as well. Through this AP you can access the DBGMCU at its documented address 0xE00E1000. However, if you use the standard ST-Link memory access commands they will clobber AP2's CSW.DbSwEnable bit. This then prevents accesses to the DBGMCU via AP0 (and presumably the CPU) a…

  • Hi! Setup: I am using Ozone 3.10b and a STM32H743 @ 480MHz. I've set up ETF trace according to In the trace settings dialog, I set the source to Trace Buffer, and CPU Frequency to 480000000. I'm using the .pex file from… Problem: After the OnTraceStart() hook of the pex-File is run, the DBGMCU->IDCODE register at 0x5C001000 reads 0x00000000 instead of the expected 0x20036450. This can also be …

  • Hi! I am using Ozone 3.10b and a STM32H743 @ 480MHz. 1) I've set up ETF trace according to In the trace settings dialog, I set the source to Trace Buffer, and CPU Frequency to 480000000. When I do a for()-loop based delay of 4.54 microseconds (measured with an Oscilloscope), the timeline shows this as only 2 us. When I hover over the delay function, it says "991 Instructions executed, 2064 ns". 2) When I repeat the same test with my J-Trace and 4-B…

  • Can do! Here's an empty CubeMX5 project for a Nucleo-H743 board. FEB87B47 is decoded as "?" in the Disassembly window. Source view is even more confused and shows only the "7B47" part of the instruction

  • Hi! I'm using Ozone 3.10b (linux) with an STM32H7. The Disassembly window can't decode the following double-precision FPU instructions: FEB8 7B47 Ozone: ?, gcc listing says: vrinta.f64 d7, d7 FEB8 6B45 Ozone: ?, gcc listing says: vrinta.f64 d6, d5 (And possibly other vrintX.f64 variants. These are just the ones I've seen in my program) best regards, Thomas

  • "I am a bit confused here. What are you refering to exactly here? Is ETF trace not working with the example project from the Wiki out of the box?" The trace itself works fine. Only the Trace Settings GUI Dialog misses a field to set the CPU frequency. Without setting VAR_TRACE_CORE_CLOCK, the time stamps in the Timeline are wrong. (I'm not using the example project, but integrated the .pex into my own .jdebug file)