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  • Hello, I'm using J-Link with Keil v5.34 (with 6.16 ARMCLANG) on GD32F303 firmware. What is the proper step with J-Link/Keil if I want to connect/debug an already running target, without interrupting it with flashing or resetting the target (followed by loading of debug symbols)? I've tried several changes in Keil Debug tab, but always the target is being reset. This would be very useful if there is a bootloader, which have already booted a separate user firmware application, and I want to debug …

  • My setup: GD32F350-based board that I have to use as a temporary devkit. J-link edu with firmware recently updated J-Link Commander v7.70e Keil-MDK 5.34 debug lines used: 3.3V, SWDIO, SWCLK, Reset, GND I have a GD32-based board that i'm using as a temporary devkit. I am using Keil 5.34 for SW development and J-Link Edu to connect the board into the host for debugging. I already configured in the Debug tab of keil Target Options to use J-Link/J-trace as the debugger and even set SWD as the interf…

  • Does this mean the combination of my MCU and external QSPI flash has no RAMcode? Is my QSPI supported? I checked…es/supported-spi-flashes/ but my part GD25Q128EYIGR can't be found there. The closest supported I can see are GD25Q32E, GD25Q64E, and GD25Q16E. Does this mean I have to create my own RAMcode, or there is a RAMcode already but I haven't accessed it yet? For internal flash at address 0x0 flashing works but not for external QSPI flash.

  • Hello, My problem is that I fail to program external QSPI flash using J-Flash or J-Link Commander. I have an ATSAMD51N20 MCU connected to an external QSPI flash memory in its SPI bus. The memory-mapped address of the QSPI memory starts at 0x4000000 and its size is 16MB. Once I establish connection using J-Link Commander, set SWD and its default speed, I try to issue a command loadbin <sample test.bin>,0x4000000. The size of the binary file varies from 8KB to 128KB. However, an error shows up: J-…

  • Thanks for the reply. I've found the cause of my issue anyway; it was stack overflow on the side of FreeRTOS. I think this thread can be closed as the problem has been resolved and had closure. Thanks for the info and files you've sent. These will be very useful in my subsequent debugging.

  • Hi Nino, Here are the logs as you requested. Hope that this helps. I hope that my suspicion about J-Link is wrong, since in my 3-case experiment the bug appears whenever J-link is present and being used.

  • Hello Mike, I think I encountered the same error as you did while trying to install the plugin to CCSv6. I am using CCSv6.2. Here's what I did: - added the ff. line in the last line of ccstudio.ini -Dorg.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.excludeContributors=org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient4 Sources: […wnload-plugin-for-eclipse] […d-error/33631964#33631964]

  • I'm doing a relatively intermediate FreeRTOS learning exercise with Tiva TM4C123GXL Launchpad from this site especially that Task_SPI_Transfer project.…ertos-on-the-tm4c/?page=2 The problem is that whenever I'm using SEGGER J-Link EDU, I always end up with an undebuggable hard fault once I run it. I followed the setup and wiring for the launchpad to J-link from this website below except for the 3.3V and GND which were pointed wron…