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  • Thanks, it's true.

  • High resolution and memory device

    iens - - emWin related


    Hello, can I use GUIMEMDEV_WriteAt() in high resolution mode. I drawn a filled anti-aliasing circle in memory device and I would like to write that in an other memory device or lcd high resolution mode. Maybe use GUI_MEMDEV_RotateHQHR() function without rotate. Thanks.

  • Hello, I use a stm32f7 cpu in multi layer configuration. When I create a button in first layer (background layer 0), it 's work fine but when I create button in foreground layer, button don't react and no message is send to callback window function. I have just a touch message send to background layer callback function. It seem touch message work only with with layer 0 (background or default layer). Thank.

  • WM_NOTIFY_PARENT is not sent

    iens - - emWin related


    Hello, do you use multi layer configuration? Because I use hardware multi layer on stm32f746 cpu, when I create a button on foreground layer, I am in the same situation as you.

  • Hello, I would like to use automemdev in windows callback to have just a small part of window to update. I do: C Source Code (13 lines) SpeedWheel is a structure that contain GUI_AUTODEV and GUI_AUTODEV_INFO. When I have a value to print, I call WM_InvalidateWindow(hwin). But it don't work. Thanks.

  • Hello, I would like to use automemdev in windows callback to have just a small part of window to update. I do: SpeedWheel is a structure that contain GUI_AUTODEV and GUI_AUTODEV_INFO. When I have a value to print, I call WM_InvalidateWindow(hwin). But it don't work. Thanks.

  • Read external font

    iens - - emWin related


    Hello, I would like to put fonts in external nor flash but I don't know how to emwin read data. Do it use memcpy() function?

  • Draw Gradient

    iens - - emWin related


    Sorry, I have not configured a blue output. It's solved.

  • Draw Gradient

    iens - - emWin related


    Conversion color is GUICC_M8888I with LIN32 driver. Image quality is bad. Gradient color is white to black. We can see brown bar colored. I write a simple gradient function in a for loop and GUI_DrawHLine(), black to red colors and it's work well.

  • Draw Gradient

    iens - - emWin related


    Hello, using draw gradient functions don't work very well. They draw various colored small bar in the way of function. First and end color are good but there is a middle yellowish color. I use stm32f7 driver. Thanks.

  • [SOLVED]Pen size don't work

    iens - - emWin related


    My bad, I have not read to the end. Thanks.

  • [SOLVED]Pen size don't work

    iens - - emWin related


    It must have a problem with driver, I think with with dma2d functions. I have also a problem with gradient, function draw small bar with different colors.

  • [SOLVED]Pen size don't work

    iens - - emWin related


    Hello, when I use GUI_SetPenSize() to change line width, it' s don't change. I use stm32f7 and st 's driver. Thanks.