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  • Thank you for your assessment Alex. I am a newbie. Maybe I am using the wrong terminology. But in the past, I have used this J-Link device to communicate with my Arm mmc with what I believe was UART over usb (Isn't this called a serial connection?). I did this on a RHEL9 machine but now I would like to use the J-Link UART on my Debian laptop. What search terms should I be using to try to replicate the thing that I was able to do before? Thank you for your help, James

  • Hello, My goal is to talk to an ARM mmc through a J-Link Segger serial link using this command: Source Code (1 line) However, I get the following error message: No such file or directory: '/dev/ttyUSB3'If I use dmesg, I can see the Segger serial device connected to a usb port (see below): Source Code (5 lines) However, I never see anything like, "... FTDI serial link established ..." So it looks to me like I am connected to USB3 but that I can't open up a serial link. Also I see this: Source Cod…