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  • HI Alex, Not knowing the internal functionality between the 2 applications, I agree that it is also equally possible that the bin file was corrupted. thanks for your feedback.

  • I fixed it. Instead of using JLink, I eventually swapped to JFlashLite and rather than using the bin file, I instead used the hex file. After a reset, it worked successfully. It does suggest that loadbin might not work as well as JFlashLite. I’ll know for the future

  • Hi, I have been having challenges for a while with using the Segger JLink on my MKRWAN and using VSCode too debug. It wouldn’t work and would just stop responding. With the help of this and other forums, I concluded that the tool (or I) had somehow damaged the boot loader and I tried to re-install the boot loader that is on the Arduino Core GitHub repository. I am using Segger EDU Mini as my debugging tool, running on a Mac OS, so last night I went through a forum post to programme the boot load…

  • Hi, This is just a question at this time, as I try and solve my debug issues. Does the Segger JLink EDU Mini work with the SAMD21G18 chip fitted to the MKRWAN1310? Does anyone have experience of it, maybe even using VSCode? I ask because I can’t appear to get it working, it is possible that following various efforts I have damaged the boot loader in the chip, but if that is the case, then the EDU Mini has done that and therefore perhaps isn’t compatible. If you wish to see more details, see Coul…

  • Hi, Thanks for the links, but I am still struggling. I have reinstalled VSCode, Platform IO and tried a really simple application. I already have gcc installed and I tried to ensure the path was set correctly, but your instructions don’t appear to be correct for the version of VSCode I have and it is not easy for me to understand what they are trying to configure. The tool recommends that you configure via the UI, which I can understand, so I am somewhat stuck. The second link you shared referen…

  • Hi, I am really struggling to get Segger working with PlatformIO and VSCode. I ave a number of different projects written in C++ using Platform IO / VSCode and I can’t seem to get it all working correctly, I am at a complete loss of what to do and where the problem may be. I have been struggling for a number of days with very little I can do to try and get it working. I was originally going to post about the debugger stuck at ’Starting Target CPU’ but now I can’t even get that far. I get a 'Fail…