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  • Array Size issue

    amar.sanas - - emWin related


    Hi, I have created c Array from XBF file with limited characters. It works fine until I add one Chinese character to my font. Adding only one Chinese character increases size of the array too much.(2590 bytes to 384331 bytes) Can anyone explain how I can avoid this. Adding files for reference. Thanks!

  • Reducing size of xbf font

    amar.sanas - - emWin related


    Hi, I am trying to create font using specific Chinese and English characters. I am generating xbf using FontCvt and converting it to array using Bin2C tool. But final created array has much larger size possibly due to Chinese characters are not continuous characters as in English. Is there any way by which I can reduce size of my converted array? Any help regarding this will really be helpful. Attaching my xbf and c file for reference.

  • XBF Font issue

    amar.sanas - - emWin related


    Hi Florian, Thanks for clarifying doubts. Actual issue was with my windows 10 display settings. Advanced scaling settings was enabled and was set to 110 which I reverted and tested again using new created fonts. now working fine. Thanks, Amar

  • XBF Font issue

    amar.sanas - - emWin related


    Hi, I am creating a font using FontCvt 6.16 tool. I can create XBF font (save as .xbf) successfully but when I read back same XBF file I get different MAX WIDTH for characters. This is affecting my final output on simulator. Can someone suggest what could be the issue. Attaching the screenshots for reference. Settings: Extended, 16 bit unicode, Unit of size - points/pixels both tried Thanks and Regards, Amar

  • Hi Florian, I am using 6.16 version. Can you share the version number from which this issue is fixed. Regards, Amar

  • Hi, I am also using the TTF file from C:\Windows\Fonts\GOTHIC.TTF Attaching my TTF file for your reference.

  • HI Florian, Thanks for your reply. I have used this API(Line no 28) Also I have tried using it after GUI_init(), results are same. My actual concern is, same implementation is working for other fonts and only gothic is giving this issue. you can check attached image. Thanks!

  • Hi , I am trying to use french language in one of my project. I am using array converted from GOTHIC.ttf font using BIN2C tool. I am facing issue with Century gothic font. Final output does not give proper output for "century gothic" font but works for other fonts. Also tried using normal and encoded strings. Here is my main code and output. Source Code (36 lines)I have converted ttf file to array using UTF2C.exe tool. Any help regarding this would be helpful. Thank You, Amar