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  • Hello, in AppWizard we are trying to setup a menu screen in which each element is represented as an icon. The center element stands out for its larger dimensions. I attach a gif with the desired behavior. (desired.gif) I'm trying to implement the menu with a wheel object, but even if I enable morphing I cannot tell AppwWizard to morph from and to a certain dimension, I attach the result I obtain. (Wheel.gif) Any idea on how to prevent the shrinking to zero?

  • Hello, I guess I am the only one having this issue? What should the generated APPW_MainTask.c look like? And if the code I get is correct, why doesn't the display ever update? It only updates if I edit the generated code as per my previous post. It's not a big deal, but I'd like to understand what is happening

  • Hello, I have a question about the MainTask generated by AppWizard. When I export and save a project with AppWizard, the while(1) of APPW_MainTask.c appears like this: C Source Code (4 lines) I wasn't able to make the display work like this, as the uC sent only what apperas as a "clear" function (all 0x00 written to the LCD driver RAM) and then nothing else. However, here on the forum and on some other examples online, I found that people have the while(1) of the MainTask written like this: Sour…