SEGGER Embedded Studio related

Subjects regarding SEGGER Embedded Studio, our streamlined and powerful C/C++ IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for ARM and RISC-V microcontrollers  

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Topic Replies Views Last Reply

Announcement Welcome / Terms of use

0 669,700

[SOLVED] Support for Nordic nRF54Lxx

3 29,213

SEGGER - SebastianB

[SOLVED] RISC-V Assembler : why are hex literals illegal?

1 898


build project meet "undefined reference to `__SEGGER_RTL_X_locale_name_bu​ffer' " error

1 15,088


[SOLVED] Clarification regarding STM32MP257FAI3 Processor Debug Probe

2 12,922


How to import dependencies for a file

1 13,940


files not shown

1 31,234


MIMX9352_A55_1 core debugging issue

0 13,052

Sharing common functions across multiple firmwares

1 12,482


Error with path for ARM toolchain while using Segger Embedded Studio

0 14,386

Problems clearing USB interrupt bits from STM32F411 GINTSTS register

0 8,050

SES can not live watch variables when target is runing

  • lee_
  • lee_
1 17,144


​undefined symbol __SEGGER_RTL_X_get_time_of_da

0 3,310

RISC-V Code : illegal instruction for 'aes32esi'

0 39,678

[SOLVED] Segger embedded studio nordic license activation issue

1 18,020

SEGGER - SebastianB

Symbol browser incorrect range/size

0 10,986

Linker "place at end of" bug

0 7,451

GDB client issue in SES

0 9,015

[SOLVED] Segger Embedded Studio STM32F411 startup files doing something that prevents code execution

2 42,327


Stack Usage Window

0 7,073

Some GUI issues

0 11,514
  • Statistics

    902 Threads - 3,169 Posts (0.93 Posts per Day)