J-Link/Flasher related

Subjects regarding J-Link, J-Trace, Flasher ARM, Flasher RX, Flasher PPC, Flasher Portable, RDI, GDB-Server, Flash Download, Flash Breakpoints, etc.  

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Topic Replies Views Last Reply

Announcement Welcome / Terms of use

0 364,563

Announcement SEGGER Real Time Terminal

0 185,345

Pinned Latest J-Link software and documentation pack

0 50,381

Zynq 7020 Flash Programming ****** Error: Error while determining flash info (Bank @ 0xFC000000) Unspecified error -1

9 6,908


XMC4500 SWO Viewer

0 3,587

Xilinx Zynq second core debugging using J-Link

0 4,546

Wrong ROM table

  • ybh
  • ibot
3 9,577


Wrong ROM Location [15:2]

0 3,862

Wrong firmware update on flasher 5

1 7,626

SEGGER - Armin

Wrong AHB Id

  • spy1
  • blakec1
22 74,308


Write to flash after download

0 4,074

Write Memory error @ address 0xFFFFFC30 word access: Adpative clocking timeout.

4 8,497


Write memory error

7 13,597


write in the flash in twice

1 10,512

SEGGER - Simon

With Heasitation I Upgraded Form a Flasher 5 R1 (Legacy) to a Flasher Pro 5.17.01

0 137

Windows file extension associations - clicking A.jflash file to launch J-FlashARM with same project

3 9,875


Windows 8.1 update wants to install July 2014 Segger driver?

1 4,093

SEGGER - Niklas

Why the same code works in Ulink2+Keil uVision debug, but died in loop in J-Link+AXD debug

0 4,182

why jlink gdb server reponse "Unsupported CPU"?

1 1,631

SEGGER - Simon

which is the real J-LINK EDU mini? 9PIN OR 19PIN CABLE

2 5,403

SEGGER - Niklas

Which device flag to use and how to connect to iMX7 Dual and Solo (using GDBServer) 's M4 core

12 19,857


Where is the documentation that describe precisely what the meaning of the colors of the LEDs on a J-Trace Pro are.

0 2,119
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