emWin related

Subjects regarding emWin, our GUI software  

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Topic Replies Views Last Reply

Announcement Welcome / Terms of use

0 571,548

AppWizard doesn't run when images are stored in microSD

  • aristi
  • aristi
0 112

AppWizard BOX object access from emWin

1 865


GRAPH_SCALE_SetFactor makes each number drawn on scale 0

0 966

Storing font & Emwin to external flash

1 3,425


SLIDER - changing appearance

2 21,616


PDMA Logic Interruption

0 41,571

Header_CreateEX() causes HardFault due to unaligned access

0 45,254

Unable to run emWin sample projects in Visual Studio 2022

1 27,547

SEGGER - Schoenen

Setting up a menu with a scrolling wheel

1 36,646


APPW_CreatePersistentScreens() takes long time to execute

0 28,018

Screen will not turn on when I add or delete text

1 21,699

SEGGER - Schoenen

AppWizard rotate keyboard object

4 15,991


SWIPELIST support in AppWizard

0 8,590

APPwizard FileSystem C files

1 10,842


Multiple language handling for texts

0 8,512

display driver ST7789VI

1 8,339

SEGGER - Schoenen

Refresh flashing how to avoid ?

2 18,131


Is there any possibility for give Object or Variables name array format like ID_TEXT[1] or ID_VAR_[0],ID_VAR_[1],etc

0 39,028

AppWizard Inside Single Screen creating object or windows have any limitation ???

3 18,389


Responding to touch events outside LCD boundary?

2 10,601

SEGGER - Florian

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