[W] FRM 0000:000 QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to CBreakpointWindow "Break & Tracepoints", which already has a layout [W] COR 0000:109 Target core support plugin reconfiguration requested but plugin is not initialized [i] GUI 0000:109 Disabled output of control characters [W] COR 0000:110 Target core support plugin reconfiguration requested but plugin is not initialized [i] BCK 0000:137 FlushPowerTrace: Not connected [i] BCK 0000:137 FlushPowerTrace: Not connected [W] FRM 0000:141 QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [W] FRM 0000:142 QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified [i] GUI 0000:199 SEGGER Ozone - The J-Link Debugger V3.38 [i] GUI 0000:199 CLI Parameters: -logfile /home/andy/Desktop/ozone.log -loginterval 0 [i] GUI 0000:226 J-Link software found at: /opt/SEGGER/Ozone_V338/Lib/libjlinkarm.so [i] GUI 0000:226 Desktop Screen Info: PrimaryScreen: 0 VirtualDesktop: 0 AvailableGeometry: 42,32,1919,1199 ScreenGeometry: 0,0,1919,1199 Screens: AvailableGeometry: 42,32,1919,1199 ScreenGeometry: 0,0,1919,1199 [i] GUI 0001:770 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_RESET_EXEC_STATE ProcessGuiEvents=1 TimeoutMS=100 [i] GUI 0001:771 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_RESET_EXEC_STATE ProcessGuiEvents=1 TimeoutMS=100 [i] BCK 0001:800 FlushPowerTrace: Not connected [W] BCK 0001:801 SetVectorCatch: CORE API call failed [i] GUI 0001:801 Entering _WaitForAllScriptFunctionsToReturn, Timeout=100000 [i] GUI 0001:801 Leaving _WaitForAllScriptFunctionsToReturn, Timeout=100000 [i] GUI 0001:803 Executing script function: OnProjectLoad [i] BCK 0001:807 StopSimpleInstTrace: not connected [i] BCK 0001:807 StopSimpleInstTrace: not connected [i] GUI 0001:810 Target core support plugin loaded.: /opt/SEGGER/Ozone_V338/Plugins/Core/CorePluginARM.so [i] GUI 0001:811 File path resolved: "$(InstallDir)/Config/CPU/Cortex-A5.svd" was found at "/opt/SEGGER/Ozone_V338/Config/CPU/Cortex-A5.svd" [i] GUI 0001:936 File name resolved: "FreeRTOSPlugin_CA5.js" was found at "/opt/SEGGER/Ozone_V338/Plugins/OS/FreeRTOSPlugin_CA5.js" [i] GUI 0001:936 Plugin unloaded. [i] GUI 0001:942 Could not evaluate expression: "pxCurrentTCB" [i] GUI 0001:942 Could not evaluate expression: "pxCurrentTCB" [i] UNK 0001:943 RTOS awareness plugin loaded: /opt/SEGGER/Ozone_V338/Plugins/OS/FreeRTOSPlugin_CA5.js. [i] GUI 0001:950 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_RESET_EXEC_STATE ProcessGuiEvents=1 TimeoutMS=100 [i] GUI 0001:950 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_RESET_EXEC_STATE ProcessGuiEvents=1 TimeoutMS=100 [W] ELF 0002:065 Failed to parse location description element. [W] ELF 0002:071 Symbol location description contains more parts than can be stored. [i] ELF 0002:486 Parsed debug types section in ms: 0 [i] ELF 0002:486 Parsed debug info section in ms: 148540 [i] ELF 0002:486 Parsed source line info in ms: 28887 [i] ELF 0002:486 Parsed macro info in ms: 234978 [i] ELF 0002:486 Parsed call frame info in ms: 3761 [i] ELF 0002:486 File Size: 365748804 [i] ELF 0002:486 Debug_info size: 5170103 [i] ELF 0002:486 Debug_types size: 0 [i] ELF 0002:486 DWARF Version: 2 [i] ELF 0002:486 Data Encoding: Little Endian [i] ELF 0002:486 Source Language: C [i] ELF 0002:486 21568 ELF symbols [i] ELF 0002:486 169281 DWARF symbols [i] ELF 0002:486 7879 Funcs [i] ELF 0002:486 3484 InlineFuncs [i] ELF 0002:486 2417 Global variables [i] ELF 0002:486 58097 Types [i] ELF 0002:486 84611 Members [i] ELF 0002:486 48351 Local variables [i] ELF 0002:486 478 Compilation units [i] ELF 0002:486 294583 SrcLines [i] ELF 0002:486 0 Namespaces [i] ELF 0002:486 0 Namespace extensions [i] ELF 0002:486 6042661 Macros [i] ELF 0002:486 6877 FDEs [i] ELF 0002:486 435 CIEs [i] ELF 0002:486 Total init time: 416166 ms [i] GUI 0002:553 Virtual segment address differs from physical address [i] GUI 0002:674 NextGen.elf contains functions with multi-piece address ranges. These are currently not supported and reduced to first piece. [i] GUI 0002:870 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:870 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:870 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:870 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:871 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:871 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:871 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:871 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:871 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:871 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:872 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:872 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:872 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:872 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:872 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:872 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:873 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:873 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:873 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:873 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:874 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:874 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:875 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:875 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:875 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:876 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:876 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:876 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:877 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:877 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:877 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:877 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:878 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:878 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [W] ELF 0002:879 Attribute DW_AT_name for symbol ? was not found. [i] GUI 0002:879 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:879 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:880 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:880 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:881 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:881 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:882 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:882 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:883 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:883 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:884 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:884 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:885 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:885 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:886 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:886 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:887 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:887 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_BP ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0002:899 NextGen.elf contains functions with multi-piece address ranges. These are currently not supported and reduced to first piece. [i] GUI 0003:849 File.Open: completed in 1906 ms [i] GUI 0003:849 Program segments: [i] GUI 0003:849 Address Size Code RO Data RW Data ZI Data Flg [i] GUI 0003:849 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --- [i] GUI 0003:849 24103F38 0 0 0 0 0 R [i] GUI 0003:849 20000000 349 856 0 0 349 856 0 RW [i] GUI 0003:849 23F00000 2 113 336 2 077 144 0 36 192 0 RWE [i] GUI 0003:849 00200000 60 60 0 0 0 R E [i] GUI 0003:849 24103F7C 3 531 428 0 0 8 516 3 522 912 RW [i] GUI 0003:849 00000000 0 0 0 0 0 RWE [i] GUI 0003:849 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --- [i] GUI 0003:849 Total: 5 994 680 2 077 204 0 394 564 3 522 912 [i] GUI 0003:849 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --- [i] GUI 0003:849 For further information on ELF file data sections, execute command Elf.PrintSectionInfo(0). [i] GUI 0003:935 Debug.ReadIntoInstCache: updated instruction information within 2 code ranges (0x00200000-0x240FB1D8) [i] GUI 0004:141 Entering CInstTraceWindow::ProcessTraceBuffer [i] GUI 0004:141 Leaving CInstTraceWindow::ProcessTraceBuffer [i] GUI 0007:131 Executing script function: AfterProjectLoad [i] BCK 0007:219 FlushPowerTrace: Not connected [i] GUI 0007:224 145 source files not found [i] GUI 0011:839 Executing script function: BeforeTargetConnect [i] BCK 0011:843 Opening connection to J-Link... [i] BCK 0011:885 Executing JLINKARM_Open() [i] BCK 0011:885 Configuring hardware... [i] JLK 0011:890 Device "ATSAMA5D27C" selected. [i] JLK 0011:893 ConfigTargetSettings() start [i] JLK 0011:893 ---Setting ETB available--- [i] JLK 0011:893 ---Setting ETB Base Address--- [i] JLK 0011:893 ---Setting ETM Base Address--- [i] JLK 0011:893 ConfigTargetSettings() end - Took 93us [i] JLK 0011:893 TotalIRLen = 4, IRPrint = 0x01 [i] JLK 0011:893 JTAG chain detection found 1 devices: [i] JLK 0011:893 #0 Id: 0x5BA00477, IRLen: 04, CoreSight JTAG-DP [i] JLK 0011:893 DPv0 detected [i] JLK 0011:893 Scanning AP map to find all available APs [i] JLK 0011:894 AP[1]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map has been reached [i] JLK 0011:894 AP[0]: APB-AP (IDR: 0x44770002, ADDR: 0x00000000) [i] JLK 0011:894 Iterating through AP map to find APB-AP to use [i] JLK 0011:894 AP[0]: APB-AP found [i] JLK 0011:897 ROMTbl[0][0]: CompAddr: 80020000 CID: B105100D, PID: 000BB4A5 ROM Table [i] JLK 0011:900 ROMTbl[1][0]: CompAddr: 80030000 CID: B105900D, PID: 001BBC05 Cortex-A5 [i] JLK 0011:900 Found Cortex-A5 r0p1 [i] JLK 0011:900 3 code breakpoints, 2 data breakpoints [i] JLK 0011:900 Debug architecture ARMv7.0 [i] JLK 0011:908 Data endian: little [i] JLK 0011:909 Main ID register: 0x410FC051 [i] JLK 0011:917 I-Cache L1: 32 KB, 512 Sets, 32 Bytes/Line, 2-Way [i] JLK 0011:917 D-Cache L1: 32 KB, 256 Sets, 32 Bytes/Line, 4-Way [i] JLK 0011:919 System control register: [i] JLK 0011:919 Instruction endian: little [i] JLK 0011:919 Level-1 instruction cache enabled [i] JLK 0011:919 Level-1 data cache enabled [i] JLK 0011:919 MMU enabled [i] JLK 0011:919 Branch prediction enabled [i] BCK 0011:923 Using stop mode for background memory accesses: https://wiki.segger.com/Memory_accesses. [i] BCK 0011:923 SWO trace: not a Cortex-M target device [i] GUI 0011:927 Connected to target device. [i] GUI 0011:927 J-Link/J-Trace serial number: 933001240 [i] GUI 0011:931 Executing script function: AfterTargetConnect [i] GUI 0011:931 Executing script function: BeforeTargetReset [i] BCK 0011:942 Resetting target... [i] JLK 0011:942 ResetTarget() start [W] BCK 0012:033 ReadMem: cannot access memory 24D52D54, 4 before startup completion or while target is running [W] BCK 0012:033 ReadMem: cannot access memory 249040A8, 4 before startup completion or while target is running [i] JLK 0012:085 J-Link script: Reset [i] JLK 0012:086 J-Link script: Core did not halt after reset. Halting core... [i] JLK 0012:087 J-Link script: Done [i] JLK 0012:087 ResetTarget() end - Took 153ms [i] JLK 0012:291 CPU could not be halted [W] JLK 0012:291 Failed to halt CPU. [W] BCK 0012:291 Reset: target did not halt following reset [i] GUI 0012:291 Executing script function: AfterTargetReset [i] BCK 0012:291 Target has halted at 20149C. Evaluating halt conditions... [i] BCK 0012:291 Target has halted and all halt conditions were passed [i] BCK 0012:291 StopRTT: RTT not started [i] BCK 0012:291 Flushing J-Link's power trace buffer [i] BCK 0012:291 Flushing J-Link's power trace buffer [i] BCK 0012:291 Instruction trace cannot be used while SWO trace is active [i] GUI 0012:300 Entering Util.Sleep loop, TimeMS=1000 [i] GUI 0013:300 Leaving Util.Sleep loop, TimeMS=1000 [i] GUI 0013:301 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_END_DOWNLOAD ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0013:352 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_END_DOWNLOAD ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0013:352 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_WRITE_REGS ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0013:352 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_WRITE_REGS ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] SCR 0013:352 Start Bootloader [i] GUI 0013:352 Executing script function: BeforeTargetResume [i] GUI 0013:352 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_CONTINUE ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0013:360 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_CONTINUE ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] BCK 0013:365 Resuming target... [i] JLK 0013:365 Memory map 'after startup completion point' is active [i] GUI 0013:366 Entering Util.Sleep loop, TimeMS=2000 [i] GUI 0015:366 Leaving Util.Sleep loop, TimeMS=2000 [i] SCR 0015:367 Bootloader should have run [i] GUI 0015:367 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_CONFIG_PARAM ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0015:367 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_SET_CONFIG_PARAM ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [W] BCK 0015:367 ReadMem: cannot access memory 24D52D54, 4 before startup completion or while target is running [W] BCK 0015:367 ReadMem: cannot access memory 249040A8, 4 before startup completion or while target is running [i] BCK 0015:367 Target has halted at 2000C8. Evaluating halt conditions... [i] BCK 0015:367 Target has halted and all halt conditions were passed [W] ELF 0015:367 No call frame information for PC 0x35FB3CE0. [i] GUI 0015:369 Executing script function: BeforeTargetDownload [i] BCK 0015:372 Instruction trace cannot be used while SWO trace is active [W] BCK 0015:387 ReadMem: cannot access memory 249040A8, 4 before startup completion or while target is running [W] BCK 0015:387 ReadMem: cannot access memory 24D52D54, 4 before startup completion or while target is running [i] GUI 0015:467 Executing script function: AfterTargetHalt [W] BCK 0015:472 ReadMem: cannot access memory 249040A8, 4 before startup completion or while target is running [W] BCK 0015:473 ReadMem: cannot access memory 249040A8, 4 before startup completion or while target is running [i] GUI 0015:930 Executing script function: AfterTargetDownload [i] GUI 0015:930 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_HALT ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0015:930 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_HALT ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0015:930 Entering _WaitForTargetHaltedOrTO, Timeout=100 [i] GUI 0015:930 Leaving _WaitForTargetHaltedOrTO, Timeout=100 [i] GUI 0015:930 Entering CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_WRITE_REGS ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] GUI 0015:930 Leaving CDevice::WaitForJobCompletionOrTO, JobType=JT_WRITE_REGS ProcessGuiEvents=0 TimeoutMS=-1 [i] SCR 0015:930 Main code should now start [i] GUI 0015:931 Executing script function: BeforeTargetResume [i] BCK 0015:931 StopSimpleInstTrace: instruction trace not started [i] BCK 0016:009 Resuming target... [i] JLK 0016:011 Memory access: CPU temp. halted: https://wiki.segger.com/Memory_accesses#Stop_mode [i] BCK 0016:467 Target has halted at 24028584. Evaluating halt conditions... [i] BCK 0016:467 Target has halted and all halt conditions were passed [i] GUI 0016:467 Debugger has breaked at symbol 0x24028584 [i] GUI 0016:473 Startup complete (PC=0x24028584) [i] BCK 0016:473 Flushing J-Link's power trace buffer [i] GUI 0017:139 Executing script function: AfterTargetHalt [i] BCK 0017:161 Could not determine core frequency [E] GUI 0017:161 Could not determine core frequency [i] BCK 0017:803 StopSimpleInstTrace: instruction trace not started [i] BCK 0017:803 StopRTT: RTT not started [i] BCK 0017:803 Starting HSS [i] BCK 0017:803 0: Addr=0x24D52D54, NumBytes=4 [i] JLK 0017:803 Current setup does not support background memory access mode [W] BCK 0017:803 StartHSS: Target hardware does not support high speed sampling [E] GUI 0017:807 Error (84): Failed to start high speed sampling (HSS). [i] BCK 0017:807 StopHSS: hss data capture not active [i] GUI 0037:316 Executing script function: BeforeTargetResume [i] BCK 0037:323 Resuming target... [i] GUI 0065:951 Executing script function: BeforeTargetDisconnect [i] BCK 0065:957 StopSimpleInstTrace: instruction trace not started [i] BCK 0065:957 StopHSS: hss data capture not active [i] BCK 0065:957 StopPowerTrace: power trace not started [i] BCK 0065:957 StopRTT: RTT not started [i] BCK 0065:957 StopHSS: hss data capture not active [i] BCK 0065:957 SWO trace not supported [i] BCK 0065:957 StopSimpleInstTrace: instruction trace not started [i] GUI 0066:035 Disconnected from target device. [i] GUI 0066:044 Executing script function: AfterTargetDisconnect [i] BCK 0066:057 StopRTT: Not connected [i] GUI 0067:715 Waiting for scheduler to terminate... [i] GUI 0067:716 Scheduler terminated.