Launching GDBServer: SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V6.40 LogFile Logging started @ 2018-11-13 07:25 03-00000000-00-00000000-0106: Command line: -log /tmp/gateway_segger.log -if swd -device 88MW300 -endian little -speed 1000 -port 2351 -swoport 2352 -telnetport 2353 -vd -ir -localhostonly 1 -singlerun -strict -timeout 0 -nogui -s -rtos GDBServer/RTOSPlugin_FreeRTOS -select usb=000600107250 03-00000000-00-00000000-01B1: -----GDB Server start settings----- GDBInit file: none GDB Server Listening port: 2351 SWO raw output listening port: 2352 Terminal I/O port: 2353 Accept remote connection: localhost only Generate logfile: on Verify download: on Init regs on start: on Silent mode: off Single run mode: on Target connection timeout: 0 ms 03-00000000-00-00000000-014A: ------J-Link related settings------ J-Link Host interface: USB J-Link script: none J-Link settings file: none ------Target related settings------ Target device: 88MW300 Target interface: SWD Target interface speed: 1000kHz Target endian: little 03-00000000-00-00000000-0001: 03-00000000-00-00000001-0018: Connecting to J-Link... 02-00000000-00-00000019-0032: Firmware: J-Link V10 compiled Oct 26 2018 12:04:17 02-00000000-00-00000019-0010: Hardware: V10.10 02-00000000-00-00000019-000E: S/N: 600107250 02-00000000-00-00000022-002E: Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB 02-00000000-00-00000022-0032: TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021WEBSRV 02-00000000-00-00000022-0029: Starting webserver (0021ms, 0022ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000022-0054: T48A0000 000:002 WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080 (0021ms, 0022ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000022-0036: T48A0000 000:002 returns O.K. (0021ms, 0022ms total) 03-00000000-00-00000022-0015: J-Link is connected. 02-00000000-00-00000022-0067: T48A0000 000:023 JLINK_ExecCommand("HideDeviceSelection=1", ...). returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0022ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000022-0067: T48A0000 000:023 JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableInfoWinFlashDL", ...). returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0022ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000022-0068: T48A0000 000:023 JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableInfoWinFlashBPs", ...). returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0022ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000022-0059: T48A0000 000:023 JLINK_SetFlashProgProgressCallback(...) returned (0000ms, 0022ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000023-0092: T48A0000 000:023 JLINK_ExecCommand("device = 88MW300", ...). XML file found at: /Applications/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkDevices.xml (0001ms, 0023ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000067-0093: T48A0000 000:023 /Applications/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkDevices.xml evaluated successfully.Device "88MW300" selected. returns 0x00 (0045ms, 0067ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000067-0044: T48A0000 000:068 JLINK_GetFirmwareString(...) (0000ms, 0067ms total) 03-00000000-00-00000067-0033: Firmware: J-Link V10 compiled Oct 26 2018 12:04:17 02-00000000-00-00000067-0053: T48A0000 000:068 JLINK_GetHardwareVersion() returns 0x18A88 (0000ms, 0067ms total) 03-00000000-00-00000067-0011: Hardware: V10.10 03-00000000-00-00000067-000F: S/N: 600107250 03-00000000-00-00000067-002F: Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB 02-00000000-00-00000067-004C: T48A0000 000:068 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0067ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000067-003F: T48A0000 000:068 JLINK_EnableSoftBPs(ON) (0000ms, 0067ms total) 03-00000000-00-00000067-001B: Checking target voltage... 03-00000000-00-00000068-0017: Target voltage: 3.28 V 03-00000000-00-00000068-001E: Listening on TCP/IP port 2351 03-00000000-00-00000068-0017: Connecting to target... 02-00000000-00-00000068-0038: T48A0000 000:069 JLINK_ClrError() (0000ms, 0067ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000068-004C: T48A0000 000:069 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0067ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000070-0058: T48A0000 000:069 JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD) returns 0x00 (0002ms, 0069ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000070-003C: T48A0000 000:071 JLINK_SetSpeed(1000) (0000ms, 0069ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000070-0047: T48A0000 000:071 JLINK_GetSpeed() returns 0x3E8 (0000ms, 0069ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000070-007A: T48A0000 000:071 JLINK_SetResetType(JLINKARM_RESET_TYPE_NORMAL) returns JLINKARM_RESET_TYPE_NORMAL (0000ms, 0069ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000070-003E: T48A0000 000:071 JLINK_SetResetDelay(0) (0000ms, 0069ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000070-0058: T48A0000 000:071 JLINK_SetEndian(ARM_ENDIAN_LITTLE) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0069ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000079-01D2: T48A0000 000:071 JLINK_Connect() >0x10B TIF>Found SW-DP with ID 0x2BA01477 >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF>Scanning AP map to find all available APs >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF>AP[1]: Stopped AP scan as end of AP map has been reachedAP[0]: AHB-AP (IDR: 0x24770011) 02-00000000-00-00000193-01F1: Iterating through AP map to find AHB-AP to use >0x42 TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x42 TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF>AP[0]: Core foundAP[0]: AHB-AP ROM base: 0xE00FF000 >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x28 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF>CPUID register: 0x410FC241. Implementer code: 0x41 (ARM)Found Cortex-M4 r0p1, Little endian. 02-00000000-00-00000202-01FC: -- Max. mem block: 0x00003838 -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDF0) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002000)FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED88) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED88) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED88) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED88)CoreSight components: 02-00000000-00-00000208-01EF: ROMTbl[0] @ E00FF000 -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE00FF000) -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE000EFF0) -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE000EFE0)ROMTbl[0][0]: E000E000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB00C SCS-M7 -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE0001FF0) -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE0001FE0)ROMTbl[0][1]: E0001000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 003BB002 DWT -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE0002FF0) -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE0002FE0)ROMTbl[0][2]: E0002000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 002BB003 FPB -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE0000FF0) 02-00000000-00-00000211-012E: -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE0000FE0)ROMTbl[0][3]: E0000000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 003BB001 ITM -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE00FF010) -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE0040FF0) -- CPU_ReadMem(16 bytes @ 0xE0040FE0)ROMTbl[0][4]: E0040000, CID: B105900D, PID: 000BB9A1 TPIU returns 0x00 (0141ms, 0210ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000213-00A5: T48A0000 000:212 JLINK_GetIdData(...) >0x0D TIF> >0x21 TIF> ScanLen=4 NumDevices=1 aId[0]=0x2BA01477 aIrRead[0]=0 aScanLen[0]=0 aScanRead[0]=0 (0002ms, 0212ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000213-004B: T48A0000 000:214 JLINK_GetDeviceFamily() returns 14 (0000ms, 0212ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000213-0050: T48A0000 000:214 JLINK_CORE_GetFound() returns 0xE0000FF (0000ms, 0212ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000213-0047: T48A0000 000:214 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0212ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0042: T48A0000 000:214 JLINK_Halt() returns 0x00 (0006ms, 0218ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0046: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_IsHalted() returns TRUE (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0054: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R0, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0054: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R1, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0054: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R2, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0054: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R3, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0054: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R4, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0054: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R5, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0054: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R6, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0054: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R7, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0054: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R8, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0054: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R9, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0055: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R10, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0055: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R11, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0055: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R12, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-005A: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R13 (SP), 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0055: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R14, 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-005A: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(R15 (PC), 0x00000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 02-00000000-00-00000220-0056: T48A0000 000:221 JLINK_WriteReg(XPSR, 0x01000000) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0219ms total) 03-00000000-00-00000220-0014: Connected to target 03-00000000-00-00000220-001D: Waiting for GDB connection... 02-00000000-00-00002233-004C: T4923000 002:232 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0002ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00004462-004C: T4923000 004:463 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0221ms total) Connecting with GDB: 02-00000000-00-00006691-004C: T4923000 006:692 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 03-00000000-00-00008684-0017: Connected to 00-0000000A-00-00008684-0029: +$qSupported:multiprocess+;qRelocInsn+#2a 01-0000000A-00-00008684-0001: + 01-0000000A-00-00008684-0059: $PacketSize=4000;qXfer:memory-map:read-;QStartNoAckMode+;hwbreak+;qXfer:features:read+#b1 00-0000000A-00-00008684-0001: + 00-0000000A-00-00008684-0013: $QStartNoAckMode#b0 01-0000000A-00-00008684-0001: + 01-0000000A-00-00008684-0006: $OK#9a 00-0000000A-00-00008685-0008: +$Hg0#df 01-0000000A-00-00008685-0006: $OK#9a 00-0000000A-00-00008685-0028: $qXfer:features:read:target.xml:0,fff#7d 01-0000000A-00-00008685-0FF3: $m arm #fc 00-0000000A-00-00008686-000C: $qTStatus#49 01-0000000A-00-00008686-0004: $#00 00-0000000A-00-00008686-0005: $?#3f 01-0000000A-00-00008686-0007: $S05#b8 00-0000000A-00-00008686-0010: $qfThreadInfo#bb 01-0000000A-00-00008686-000D: $m0000dead#bb 00-0000000A-00-00008686-000D: $qAttached#8f 01-0000000A-00-00008686-0004: $#00 00-0000000A-00-00008686-0010: $qsThreadInfo#c8 01-0000000A-00-00008686-0005: $l#6c 00-0000000A-00-00008687-0008: $Hc-1#09 01-0000000A-00-00008687-0006: $OK#9a 00-0000000A-00-00008687-0006: $qC#b4 01-0000000A-00-00008687-0004: $#00 00-0000000A-00-00008687-0005: $g#67 03-00000000-00-00008687-0016: Reading all registers 02-00000000-00-00008687-0068: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 0) -- R0=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-0068: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 1) -- R1=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-0068: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 2) -- R2=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-0068: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 3) -- R3=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-0068: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 4) -- R4=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-0068: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 5) -- R5=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-0068: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 6) -- R6=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-0068: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 7) -- R7=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-0068: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 8) -- R8=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-0068: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 9) -- R9=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-006A: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 10) -- R10=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-006A: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 11) -- R11=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-006A: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 12) -- R12=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-006F: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 13) -- R13 (SP)=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-006A: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 14) -- R14=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-006F: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 15) -- R15 (PC)=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-0070: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 16) -- XPSR=0x1000000 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-0070: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 17) -- MSP=0x2001FFE0 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-006A: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 18) -- PSP=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008687-006E: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 24) -- PRIMASK=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0221ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008688-0052: T4DBE000 008:688 JLINK_ReadReg(BASEPRI) returns 0x00000000 (0001ms, 0222ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008688-0070: T4DBE000 008:689 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 26) -- FAULTMASK=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0222ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008688-0052: T4DBE000 008:689 JLINK_ReadReg(CONTROL) returns 0x02000000 (0000ms, 0222ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006C: T4DBE000 008:689 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 32) -- FPSCR=0x00 returns 0 (0010ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006B: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 33) -- FPS0=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006B: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 34) -- FPS1=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006B: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 35) -- FPS2=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006B: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 36) -- FPS3=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006B: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 37) -- FPS4=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006B: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 38) -- FPS5=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006B: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 39) -- FPS6=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006B: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 40) -- FPS7=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006B: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 41) -- FPS8=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006B: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 42) -- FPS9=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006C: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 43) -- FPS10=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006C: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 44) -- FPS11=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006C: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 45) -- FPS12=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006C: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 46) -- FPS13=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008698-006C: T4DBE000 008:699 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 47) -- FPS14=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0232ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 48) -- FPS15=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 49) -- FPS16=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 50) -- FPS17=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 51) -- FPS18=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 52) -- FPS19=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 53) -- FPS20=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 54) -- FPS21=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 55) -- FPS22=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 56) -- FPS23=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 57) -- FPS24=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 58) -- FPS25=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 59) -- FPS26=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 60) -- FPS27=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 61) -- FPS28=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 62) -- FPS29=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 63) -- FPS30=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008699-006C: T4DBE000 008:700 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 64) -- FPS31=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 01-0000000A-00-00008699-008C: $0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001#81 00-0000000A-00-00008700-0008: $m0,4#fd 02-00000000-00-00008700-009C: T4DBE000 008:701 JLINK_ReadMem (0x00000000, 0x0004 Bytes, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0x00000000) - Data: 00 10 00 20 returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0233ms total) 03-00000000-00-00008701-0036: Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0x20001000) 01-0000000A-00-00008701-000C: $00100020#83 00-0000000A-00-00008705-000D: $qSymbol::#5b 03-00000000-00-00008705-0056: Loading RTOS plugin: /Applications/SEGGER/JLink_V640/GDBServer/RTOSPlugin_FreeRTOS... 03-00000000-00-00008706-005C: Loading RTOS plugin: /Applications/SEGGER/JLink_V640/GDBServer/RTOSPlugin_FreeRTOS.dylib... 03-00000000-00-00008706-002B: RTOS plugin (API v1.0) loaded successfully 02-00000000-00-00008706-0050: T4DBE000 008:707 JLINK_CORE_GetFound() returns 0xE0000FF (0000ms, 0234ms total) 03-00000000-00-00008706-0026: RTOS plugin initialized successfully. 01-0000000A-00-00008706-0024: $qSymbol:707843757272656e74544342#43 00-0000000A-00-00008706-0025: $qSymbol::707843757272656e74544342#7d 03-00000000-00-00008707-002B: Received symbol: pxCurrentTCB (0x00000000) 03-00000000-00-00008707-0030: ERROR: Mandatory symbol pxCurrentTCB not found. 01-0000000A-00-00008707-0006: $OK#9a 00-0000000A-00-00008707-000D: $qSymbol::#5b 01-0000000A-00-00008707-0006: $OK#9a 00-0000000A-00-00008708-0005: $g#67 03-00000000-00-00008708-0016: Reading all registers 02-00000000-00-00008708-0068: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 0) -- R0=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0068: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 1) -- R1=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0068: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 2) -- R2=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0068: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 3) -- R3=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0068: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 4) -- R4=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0068: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 5) -- R5=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0068: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 6) -- R6=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0068: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 7) -- R7=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0068: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 8) -- R8=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0068: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 9) -- R9=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006A: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 10) -- R10=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006A: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 11) -- R11=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006A: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 12) -- R12=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006F: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 13) -- R13 (SP)=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006A: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 14) -- R14=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006F: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 15) -- R15 (PC)=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0070: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 16) -- XPSR=0x1000000 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0070: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 17) -- MSP=0x2001FFE0 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006A: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 18) -- PSP=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006E: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 24) -- PRIMASK=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0052: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadReg(BASEPRI) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0070: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 26) -- FAULTMASK=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-0052: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadReg(CONTROL) returns 0x02000000 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006C: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 32) -- FPSCR=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006B: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 33) -- FPS0=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006B: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 34) -- FPS1=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006B: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 35) -- FPS2=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006B: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 36) -- FPS3=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006B: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 37) -- FPS4=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006B: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 38) -- FPS5=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006B: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 39) -- FPS6=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006B: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 40) -- FPS7=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006B: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 41) -- FPS8=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006B: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 42) -- FPS9=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006C: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 43) -- FPS10=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006C: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 44) -- FPS11=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006C: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 45) -- FPS12=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006C: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 46) -- FPS13=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006C: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 47) -- FPS14=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006C: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 48) -- FPS15=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008708-006C: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 49) -- FPS16=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:709 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 50) -- FPS17=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0234ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 51) -- FPS18=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 52) -- FPS19=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 53) -- FPS20=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 54) -- FPS21=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 55) -- FPS22=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 56) -- FPS23=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 57) -- FPS24=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 58) -- FPS25=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 59) -- FPS26=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 60) -- FPS27=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 61) -- FPS28=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 62) -- FPS29=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 63) -- FPS30=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008709-006C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 64) -- FPS31=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0235ms total) 01-0000000A-00-00008709-008C: $0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001#81 00-0000000A-00-00008709-0008: $m0,4#fd 02-00000000-00-00008710-009C: T4DBE000 008:710 JLINK_ReadMem (0x00000000, 0x0004 Bytes, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0x00000000) - Data: 00 10 00 20 returns 0x00 (0001ms, 0236ms total) 03-00000000-00-00008710-0036: Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0x20001000) 01-0000000A-00-00008710-000C: $00100020#83 00-0000000A-00-00008767-000D: $qSymbol::#5b 01-0000000A-00-00008767-0006: $OK#9a 00-0000000A-00-00008767-0008: $m0,4#fd 02-00000000-00-00008768-009C: T4DBE000 008:768 JLINK_ReadMem (0x00000000, 0x0004 Bytes, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0x00000000) - Data: 00 10 00 20 returns 0x00 (0001ms, 0237ms total) 03-00000000-00-00008768-0036: Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0x20001000) 01-0000000A-00-00008768-000C: $00100020#83 00-0000000A-00-00008769-0005: $k#6b 03-00000000-00-00008769-001D: GDB closed TCP/IP connection 03-00000000-00-00008799-0017: Connected to 00-0000000B-00-00008799-0029: +$qSupported:multiprocess+;qRelocInsn+#2a 01-0000000B-00-00008799-0001: + 01-0000000B-00-00008799-0059: $PacketSize=4000;qXfer:memory-map:read-;QStartNoAckMode+;hwbreak+;qXfer:features:read+#b1 00-0000000B-00-00008799-0014: +$QStartNoAckMode#b0 01-0000000B-00-00008799-0001: + 01-0000000B-00-00008799-0006: $OK#9a 00-0000000B-00-00008800-0008: +$Hg0#df 01-0000000B-00-00008800-0006: $OK#9a 00-0000000B-00-00008800-0028: $qXfer:features:read:target.xml:0,fff#7d 01-0000000B-00-00008800-0FF3: $m arm #fc 00-0000000B-00-00008801-000C: $qTStatus#49 01-0000000B-00-00008801-0004: $#00 00-0000000B-00-00008801-0005: $?#3f 01-0000000B-00-00008801-0007: $S05#b8 00-0000000B-00-00008802-0010: $qfThreadInfo#bb 01-0000000B-00-00008802-000D: $m0000dead#bb 00-0000000B-00-00008802-000D: $qAttached#8f 01-0000000B-00-00008802-0004: $#00 00-0000000B-00-00008802-0010: $qsThreadInfo#c8 01-0000000B-00-00008802-0005: $l#6c 00-0000000B-00-00008802-0008: $Hc-1#09 01-0000000B-00-00008802-0006: $OK#9a 00-0000000B-00-00008802-0006: $qC#b4 01-0000000B-00-00008802-0004: $#00 00-0000000B-00-00008802-000C: $qOffsets#4b 01-0000000B-00-00008802-0004: $#00 00-0000000B-00-00008803-0005: $g#67 03-00000000-00-00008803-0016: Reading all registers 02-00000000-00-00008803-0068: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 0) -- R0=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0068: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 1) -- R1=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0068: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 2) -- R2=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0068: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 3) -- R3=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0068: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 4) -- R4=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0068: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 5) -- R5=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0068: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 6) -- R6=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0068: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 7) -- R7=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0068: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 8) -- R8=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0068: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 9) -- R9=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006A: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 10) -- R10=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006A: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 11) -- R11=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006A: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 12) -- R12=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006F: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 13) -- R13 (SP)=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006A: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 14) -- R14=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006F: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 15) -- R15 (PC)=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0070: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 16) -- XPSR=0x1000000 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0070: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 17) -- MSP=0x2001FFE0 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006A: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 18) -- PSP=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006E: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 24) -- PRIMASK=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0052: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadReg(BASEPRI) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0070: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 26) -- FAULTMASK=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-0052: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadReg(CONTROL) returns 0x02000000 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006C: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 32) -- FPSCR=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006B: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 33) -- FPS0=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006B: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 34) -- FPS1=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006B: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 35) -- FPS2=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006B: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 36) -- FPS3=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006B: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 37) -- FPS4=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006B: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 38) -- FPS5=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008803-006B: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 39) -- FPS6=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0237ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006B: T4EC4000 008:804 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 40) -- FPS7=0x00 returns 0 (0001ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006B: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 41) -- FPS8=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006B: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 42) -- FPS9=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 43) -- FPS10=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 44) -- FPS11=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 45) -- FPS12=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 46) -- FPS13=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 47) -- FPS14=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 48) -- FPS15=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 49) -- FPS16=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 50) -- FPS17=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 51) -- FPS18=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 52) -- FPS19=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 53) -- FPS20=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 54) -- FPS21=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 55) -- FPS22=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 56) -- FPS23=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 57) -- FPS24=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 58) -- FPS25=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 59) -- FPS26=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 60) -- FPS27=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 61) -- FPS28=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 62) -- FPS29=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 63) -- FPS30=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 02-00000000-00-00008804-006C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 64) -- FPS31=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0238ms total) 01-0000000B-00-00008804-008C: $0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001#81 00-0000000B-00-00008804-0008: $m0,4#fd 02-00000000-00-00008805-009C: T4EC4000 008:805 JLINK_ReadMem (0x00000000, 0x0004 Bytes, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0x00000000) - Data: 00 10 00 20 returns 0x00 (0001ms, 0239ms total) 03-00000000-00-00008805-0036: Read 4 bytes @ address 0x00000000 (Data = 0x20001000) 01-0000000B-00-00008805-000C: $00100020#83 00-0000000B-00-00008805-000D: $qSymbol::#5b 01-0000000B-00-00008805-0024: $qSymbol:707843757272656e74544342#43 00-0000000B-00-00008805-002B: $qSymbol:11311c:707843757272656e74544342#d7 03-00000000-00-00008806-002B: Received symbol: pxCurrentTCB (0x0011311C) 01-0000000B-00-00008806-002E: $qSymbol:707852656164795461736b734c69737473#8b 00-0000000B-00-00008806-0035: $qSymbol:11308c:707852656164795461736b734c69737473#25 03-00000000-00-00008806-0030: Received symbol: pxReadyTasksLists (0x0011308C) 01-0000000B-00-00008806-002E: $qSymbol:7844656c617965645461736b4c69737431#b9 00-0000000B-00-00008806-0035: $qSymbol:11313c:7844656c617965645461736b4c69737431#4f 03-00000000-00-00008806-0030: Received symbol: xDelayedTaskList1 (0x0011313C) 01-0000000B-00-00008806-002E: $qSymbol:7844656c617965645461736b4c69737432#ba 00-0000000B-00-00008806-0035: $qSymbol:113150:7844656c617965645461736b4c69737432#1f 03-00000000-00-00008806-0030: Received symbol: xDelayedTaskList2 (0x00113150) 01-0000000B-00-00008806-002E: $qSymbol:707844656c617965645461736b4c697374#bc 00-0000000B-00-00008806-0035: $qSymbol:11310c:707844656c617965645461736b4c697374#4f 03-00000000-00-00008806-0030: Received symbol: pxDelayedTaskList (0x0011310C) 01-0000000B-00-00008806-003E: $qSymbol:70784f766572666c6f7744656c617965645461736b4c697374#a6 00-0000000B-00-00008806-0045: $qSymbol:113174:70784f766572666c6f7744656c617965645461736b4c697374#11 03-00000000-00-00008806-0038: Received symbol: pxOverflowDelayedTaskList (0x00113174) 01-0000000B-00-00008807-002E: $qSymbol:7850656e64696e6752656164794c697374#ca 00-0000000B-00-00008807-0035: $qSymbol:113070:7850656e64696e6752656164794c697374#30 03-00000000-00-00008807-0030: Received symbol: xPendingReadyList (0x00113070) 01-0000000B-00-00008807-003C: $qSymbol:785461736b7357616974696e675465726d696e6174696f6e#49 00-0000000B-00-00008807-0043: $qSymbol:1130f8:785461736b7357616974696e675465726d696e6174696f6e#e6 03-00000000-00-00008807-0037: Received symbol: xTasksWaitingTermination (0x001130F8) 01-0000000B-00-00008807-0030: $qSymbol:7853757370656e6465645461736b4c697374#27 00-0000000B-00-00008807-0037: $qSymbol:113124:7853757370656e6465645461736b4c697374#8d 03-00000000-00-00008807-0031: Received symbol: xSuspendedTaskList (0x00113124) 01-0000000B-00-00008807-0038: $qSymbol:757843757272656e744e756d6265724f665461736b73#2f 00-0000000B-00-00008807-003F: $qSymbol:113138:757843757272656e744e756d6265724f665461736b73#9a 03-00000000-00-00008807-0035: Received symbol: uxCurrentNumberOfTasks (0x00113138) 01-0000000B-00-00008807-002E: $qSymbol:7578546f70557365645072696f72697479#9d 00-0000000B-00-00008808-0037: $qSymbol:1f0aa9a0:7578546f70557365645072696f72697479#2a 03-00000000-00-00008808-0030: Received symbol: uxTopUsedPriority (0x1F0AA9A0) 01-0000000B-00-00008808-0030: $qSymbol:7578546f7052656164795072696f72697479#07 00-0000000B-00-00008808-0037: $qSymbol:113084:7578546f7052656164795072696f72697479#72 03-00000000-00-00008808-0031: Received symbol: uxTopReadyPriority (0x00113084) 01-0000000B-00-00008808-0028: $qSymbol:76506f7274456e61626c65564650#74 00-0000000B-00-00008808-0031: $qSymbol:1f03d138:76506f7274456e61626c65564650#a8 03-00000000-00-00008808-002D: Received symbol: vPortEnableVFP (0x1F03D138) 01-0000000B-00-00008808-0032: $qSymbol:4672656552544f534465627567436f6e666967#96 00-0000000B-00-00008808-0033: $qSymbol::4672656552544f534465627567436f6e666967#d0 03-00000000-00-00008808-0032: Received symbol: FreeRTOSDebugConfig (0x00000000) 03-00000000-00-00008808-002B: All mandatory symbols successfully loaded. 01-0000000B-00-00008808-0006: $OK#9a 02-00000000-00-00008923-004C: T4923000 008:923 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0001ms, 0240ms total) 02-00000000-00-00011152-004C: T4923000 011:153 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0240ms total) Running in GDB: (reset the part and boot) 02-00000000-00-00013381-004C: T4923000 013:381 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0001ms, 0241ms total) 00-0000000B-00-00015036-0014: $qRcmd,7265736574#37 03-00000000-00-00015036-0020: Received monitor command: reset 02-00000000-00-00015036-0041: T4EC4000 015:037 JLINK_ResetPullsRESET(ON) (0000ms, 0241ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015164-01E2: T4EC4000 015:037 JLINK_Reset() -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0x44003000) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0x44003000) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0x46010004) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0x46010004) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0x46010004) -- CPU_ReadMem(112 bytes @ 0x1F000246) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED0C) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0002000) 02-00000000-00-00015165-0061: -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000EDFC) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000) (0129ms, 0370ms total) 01-0000000B-00-00015165-0028: $526573657474696e67207461726765740D0A#b9 03-00000000-00-00015165-0011: Resetting target 00-0000000B-00-00015166-000A: $vCont?#49 01-0000000B-00-00015166-0004: $#00 00-0000000B-00-00015166-0007: $Hc0#db 01-0000000B-00-00015166-0006: $OK#9a 00-0000000B-00-00015166-0005: $c#63 03-00000000-00-00015166-0017: Starting target CPU... 02-00000000-00-00015166-0046: T4EC4000 015:167 JLINK_IsHalted() returns TRUE (0000ms, 0370ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015168-009E: T4EC4000 015:167 JLINK_GoEx(MaxEmulInsts = -1, Flags = 0x00) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001000) -- CPU_WriteMem(4 bytes @ 0xE0001004) (0002ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015169-0047: T4EC4000 015:169 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015193-0047: T4EC4000 015:193 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015216-0047: T4EC4000 015:217 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015242-0047: T4EC4000 015:242 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015267-0047: T4EC4000 015:267 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015293-0047: T4EC4000 015:293 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015317-0047: T4EC4000 015:317 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015343-0047: T4EC4000 015:343 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015365-0047: T4EC4000 015:365 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015389-0047: T4EC4000 015:389 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015412-0047: T4EC4000 015:412 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015434-0047: T4EC4000 015:434 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015458-0047: T4EC4000 015:458 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015483-0047: T4EC4000 015:483 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015508-0047: T4EC4000 015:509 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015531-0047: T4EC4000 015:532 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015555-0047: T4EC4000 015:556 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015580-0047: T4EC4000 015:580 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015606-0047: T4EC4000 015:606 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015608-004C: T4923000 015:609 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015631-0047: T4EC4000 015:631 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015656-0047: T4EC4000 015:656 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015682-0047: T4EC4000 015:682 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015706-0047: T4EC4000 015:706 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015732-0047: T4EC4000 015:732 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015756-0047: T4EC4000 015:756 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015780-0047: T4EC4000 015:780 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015805-0047: T4EC4000 015:805 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015828-0047: T4EC4000 015:828 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015851-0047: T4EC4000 015:852 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015876-0047: T4EC4000 015:876 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015901-0047: T4EC4000 015:901 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015925-0047: T4EC4000 015:925 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015946-0047: T4EC4000 015:947 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015971-0047: T4EC4000 015:971 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00015992-0047: T4EC4000 015:992 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016015-0047: T4EC4000 016:015 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016040-0047: T4EC4000 016:040 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016063-0047: T4EC4000 016:063 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016085-0047: T4EC4000 016:085 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016109-0047: T4EC4000 016:110 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016135-0047: T4EC4000 016:135 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016158-0047: T4EC4000 016:159 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016184-0047: T4EC4000 016:184 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016209-0047: T4EC4000 016:210 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016232-0047: T4EC4000 016:232 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016256-0047: T4EC4000 016:256 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016282-0047: T4EC4000 016:282 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016308-0047: T4EC4000 016:308 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016330-0047: T4EC4000 016:330 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016352-0047: T4EC4000 016:352 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016374-0047: T4EC4000 016:375 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016400-0047: T4EC4000 016:400 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016425-0047: T4EC4000 016:426 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016450-0047: T4EC4000 016:450 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016475-0047: T4EC4000 016:475 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016498-0047: T4EC4000 016:498 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016522-0047: T4EC4000 016:523 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016546-0047: T4EC4000 016:546 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016570-0047: T4EC4000 016:570 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016595-0047: T4EC4000 016:596 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016619-0047: T4EC4000 016:619 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016643-0047: T4EC4000 016:643 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016668-0047: T4EC4000 016:668 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016692-0047: T4EC4000 016:692 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016716-0047: T4EC4000 016:716 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016739-0047: T4EC4000 016:739 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016761-0047: T4EC4000 016:762 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016785-0047: T4EC4000 016:786 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016808-0047: T4EC4000 016:808 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016832-0047: T4EC4000 016:832 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016856-0047: T4EC4000 016:856 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016882-0047: T4EC4000 016:882 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016906-0047: T4EC4000 016:906 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016928-0047: T4EC4000 016:928 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016954-0047: T4EC4000 016:954 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00016980-0047: T4EC4000 016:980 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017004-0047: T4EC4000 017:005 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017030-0047: T4EC4000 017:030 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017055-0047: T4EC4000 017:055 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017080-0047: T4EC4000 017:080 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017102-0047: T4EC4000 017:102 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017124-0047: T4EC4000 017:124 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017150-0047: T4EC4000 017:150 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017175-0047: T4EC4000 017:175 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017201-0047: T4EC4000 017:201 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017225-0047: T4EC4000 017:225 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017248-0047: T4EC4000 017:248 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017273-0047: T4EC4000 017:273 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017296-0047: T4EC4000 017:296 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017318-0047: T4EC4000 017:318 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017342-0047: T4EC4000 017:342 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017367-0047: T4EC4000 017:367 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017391-0047: T4EC4000 017:392 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017417-0047: T4EC4000 017:417 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017442-0047: T4EC4000 017:442 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017466-0047: T4EC4000 017:466 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017492-0047: T4EC4000 017:492 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017518-0047: T4EC4000 017:518 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017542-0047: T4EC4000 017:542 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017562-0047: T4EC4000 017:563 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017585-0047: T4EC4000 017:585 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017609-0047: T4EC4000 017:609 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017634-0047: T4EC4000 017:634 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017659-0047: T4EC4000 017:659 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017682-0047: T4EC4000 017:683 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017708-0047: T4EC4000 017:708 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017730-0047: T4EC4000 017:730 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017755-0047: T4EC4000 017:756 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017776-0047: T4EC4000 017:776 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017800-0047: T4EC4000 017:801 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017825-0047: T4EC4000 017:825 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017842-004C: T4923000 017:843 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0372ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017847-0047: T4EC4000 017:848 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017869-0047: T4EC4000 017:869 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017892-0047: T4EC4000 017:892 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017914-0047: T4EC4000 017:914 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017936-0047: T4EC4000 017:936 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017959-0047: T4EC4000 017:959 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00017984-0047: T4EC4000 017:984 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018009-0047: T4EC4000 018:010 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018035-0047: T4EC4000 018:035 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018058-0047: T4EC4000 018:059 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018080-0047: T4EC4000 018:080 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018106-0047: T4EC4000 018:106 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018132-0047: T4EC4000 018:132 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018156-0047: T4EC4000 018:156 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018182-0047: T4EC4000 018:182 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018208-0047: T4EC4000 018:209 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018231-0047: T4EC4000 018:231 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018252-0047: T4EC4000 018:252 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018274-0047: T4EC4000 018:274 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018300-0047: T4EC4000 018:300 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018325-0047: T4EC4000 018:325 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018346-0047: T4EC4000 018:346 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018400-0047: T4EC4000 018:401 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018425-0047: T4EC4000 018:425 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018449-0047: T4EC4000 018:450 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018475-0047: T4EC4000 018:475 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018496-0047: T4EC4000 018:497 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018517-0047: T4EC4000 018:518 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018543-0047: T4EC4000 018:543 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018578-0047: T4EC4000 018:579 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018601-0047: T4EC4000 018:601 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018625-0047: T4EC4000 018:625 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018648-0047: T4EC4000 018:648 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018671-0047: T4EC4000 018:671 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018694-0047: T4EC4000 018:694 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018717-0047: T4EC4000 018:717 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018742-0047: T4EC4000 018:742 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018764-0047: T4EC4000 018:764 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018785-0047: T4EC4000 018:786 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018808-0047: T4EC4000 018:809 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018834-0047: T4EC4000 018:834 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018858-0047: T4EC4000 018:859 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018879-0047: T4EC4000 018:880 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018905-0047: T4EC4000 018:905 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018927-0047: T4EC4000 018:928 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018951-0047: T4EC4000 018:951 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00018975-0047: T4EC4000 018:975 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019000-0047: T4EC4000 019:000 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019025-0047: T4EC4000 019:025 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019049-0047: T4EC4000 019:049 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019073-0047: T4EC4000 019:073 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019097-0047: T4EC4000 019:097 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019121-0047: T4EC4000 019:121 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019145-0047: T4EC4000 019:145 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019168-0047: T4EC4000 019:168 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019192-0047: T4EC4000 019:192 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019216-0047: T4EC4000 019:217 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0000ms, 0373ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019242-0047: T4EC4000 019:242 JLINK_IsHalted() returns FALSE (0001ms, 0374ms total) 00-0000000B-01-00019242-0001: 03 03-00000000-00-00019242-0025: Debugger requested to halt target... 02-00000000-00-00019248-0042: T4EC4000 019:243 JLINK_Halt() returns 0x00 (0006ms, 0379ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019248-0046: T4EC4000 019:249 JLINK_IsHalted() returns TRUE (0000ms, 0379ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019248-0053: T4EC4000 019:249 JLINK_ReadReg(R15 (PC)) returns 0x1F03C20C (0000ms, 0379ms total) 03-00000000-00-00019248-0023: ...Target halted (PC = 0x1F03C20C) 02-00000000-00-00019250-00F4: T4EC4000 019:249 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x00113138, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(64 bytes @ 0x00113100) -- Updating C cache (64 bytes @ 0x00113100) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x00113138) - Data: 0B 00 00 00 returns 1 (0002ms, 0381ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019250-009B: T4EC4000 019:251 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0xE000ED88, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED88) - Data: 00 00 F0 00 returns 1 (0000ms, 0381ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019250-00A2: T4EC4000 019:251 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x0011311C, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x0011311C) - Data: F8 27 13 00 returns 1 (0000ms, 0381ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019252-00F4: T4EC4000 019:251 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x1F0AA9A0, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(64 bytes @ 0x1F0AA980) -- Updating C cache (64 bytes @ 0x1F0AA980) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x1F0AA9A0) - Data: 05 00 00 00 returns 1 (0002ms, 0383ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019253-00F4: T4EC4000 019:253 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x0011308C, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(64 bytes @ 0x00113080) -- Updating C cache (64 bytes @ 0x00113080) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x0011308C) - Data: 01 00 00 00 returns 1 (0001ms, 0384ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019253-00A2: T4EC4000 019:254 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x0011309C, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x0011309C) - Data: FC 27 13 00 returns 1 (0000ms, 0384ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019254-00F4: T4EC4000 019:254 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x00132808, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(64 bytes @ 0x00132800) -- Updating C cache (64 bytes @ 0x00132800) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x00132808) - Data: F8 27 13 00 returns 1 (0001ms, 0385ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019256-011E: T4EC4000 019:255 JLINK_ReadMem (0x0013282C, 0x0020 Bytes, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(64 bytes @ 0x00132840) -- Updating C cache (64 bytes @ 0x00132840) -- Read from C cache (32 bytes @ 0x0013282C) - Data: 49 44 4C 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... returns 0x00 (0002ms, 0387ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019256-00A2: T4EC4000 019:257 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x00132824, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x00132824) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 1 (0000ms, 0387ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019256-00A2: T4EC4000 019:257 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x00132804, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x00132804) - Data: 94 30 11 00 returns 1 (0000ms, 0387ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019256-00A2: T4EC4000 019:257 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x001130A0, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x001130A0) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 1 (0000ms, 0387ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019256-00A2: T4EC4000 019:257 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x001130B4, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x001130B4) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 1 (0000ms, 0387ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019257-00F4: T4EC4000 019:257 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x001130C8, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(64 bytes @ 0x001130C0) -- Updating C cache (64 bytes @ 0x001130C0) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x001130C8) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 1 (0001ms, 0388ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019257-00A2: T4EC4000 019:258 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x001130DC, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x001130DC) - Data: 00 00 00 00 returns 1 (0000ms, 0388ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019257-00A2: T4EC4000 019:258 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x001130F0, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x001130F0) - Data: EF CE EF 00 returns 1 (0000ms, 0388ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019257-00A2: T4EC4000 019:258 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x00113100, 0x0001 Items, ...) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x00113100) - Data: FF FF FF FF returns 1 (0000ms, 0388ms total) 03-00000000-00-00019257-0060: WARNING: Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0000000B, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 4 (Word-aligned) 02-00000000-00-00019257-0096: T4EC4000 019:258 JLINK_ReadMemU32(0x0000000B, 0x0001 Items, ...)Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0000000B, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 4 (Word-aligned) 02-00000000-00-00019258-00B9: ***** Mis-aligned memory read: Address: 0x0000000B, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 4 (Word-aligned) -- CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0x0000000B) - Data: F8 50 17 09 returns 1 (0001ms, 0389ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-00C5: T4EC4000 019:260 JLINK_ReadMem (0x0917512C, 0x0020 Bytes, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(32 bytes @ 0x0917512C) - Data: AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA ... returns 0x01 (0001ms, 0391ms total) 03-00000000-00-00019260-0034: WARNING: Failed to read memory @ address 0x0917512C 03-00000000-00-00019260-0041: ERROR: Error reading thread name in FreeRTOS task control block. 01-0000000B-00-00019260-0017: $T05thread:001327F8;#51 00-0000000B-00-00019260-0005: $g#67 03-00000000-00-00019260-0016: Reading all registers 02-00000000-00-00019260-0068: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 0) -- R0=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-006A: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 1) -- R1=0x1080 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0068: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 2) -- R2=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0068: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 3) -- R3=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0068: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 4) -- R4=0x04 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-006C: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 5) -- R5=0x132578 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0068: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 6) -- R6=0x01 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-006E: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 7) -- R7=0xA5A5A5A5 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-006E: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 8) -- R8=0xA5A5A5A5 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-006E: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 9) -- R9=0xA5A5A5A5 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0070: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 10) -- R10=0xA5A5A5A5 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0070: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 11) -- R11=0xA5A5A5A5 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0070: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 12) -- R12=0xA5A5A5A5 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0073: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 13) -- R13 (SP)=0x1327D0 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0070: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 14) -- R14=0x1F03E3C5 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0075: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 15) -- R15 (PC)=0x1F03C20C returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0071: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 16) -- XPSR=0x61000000 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0070: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 17) -- MSP=0x2001FFE0 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-006E: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 18) -- PSP=0x1327D0 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-006E: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 24) -- PRIMASK=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0052: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadReg(BASEPRI) returns 0x00000000 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019260-0070: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 26) -- FAULTMASK=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019261-0052: T4EC4000 019:261 JLINK_ReadReg(CONTROL) returns 0x02000000 (0000ms, 0391ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019270-006C: T4EC4000 019:262 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 32) -- FPSCR=0x00 returns 0 (0009ms, 0401ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019270-006B: T4EC4000 019:271 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 33) -- FPS0=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0401ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019270-006B: T4EC4000 019:271 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 34) -- FPS1=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0401ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006B: T4EC4000 019:271 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 35) -- FPS2=0x00 returns 0 (0001ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006B: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 36) -- FPS3=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006B: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 37) -- FPS4=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006B: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 38) -- FPS5=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006B: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 39) -- FPS6=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006B: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 40) -- FPS7=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006B: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 41) -- FPS8=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006B: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 42) -- FPS9=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 43) -- FPS10=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 44) -- FPS11=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 45) -- FPS12=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 46) -- FPS13=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 47) -- FPS14=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 48) -- FPS15=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 49) -- FPS16=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 50) -- FPS17=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 51) -- FPS18=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 52) -- FPS19=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 53) -- FPS20=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 54) -- FPS21=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 55) -- FPS22=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 56) -- FPS23=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 57) -- FPS24=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 58) -- FPS25=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 59) -- FPS26=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 60) -- FPS27=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 61) -- FPS28=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 62) -- FPS29=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 63) -- FPS30=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 02-00000000-00-00019271-006C: T4EC4000 019:272 JLINK_ReadRegs_64(NumRegs = 1, Indexes: 64) -- FPS31=0x00 returns 0 (0000ms, 0402ms total) 01-0000000B-00-00019271-008C: $00000000801000000000000000000000040000007825130001000000a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5d0271300c5e3031f0cc2031f00000061#4c 00-0000000B-00-00019272-000F: $m1f03c20c,4#ef 02-00000000-00-00019274-00F5: T4EC4000 019:273 JLINK_ReadMem (0x1F03C20C, 0x0004 Bytes, ...) -- CPU_ReadMem(64 bytes @ 0x1F03C200) -- Updating C cache (64 bytes @ 0x1F03C200) -- Read from C cache (4 bytes @ 0x1F03C20C) - Data: 10 BD 00 BF returns 0x00 (0002ms, 0404ms total) 03-00000000-00-00019274-0036: Read 4 bytes @ address 0x1F03C20C (Data = 0xBF00BD10) 01-0000000B-00-00019274-000C: $10bd00bf#4f 02-00000000-00-00020079-004C: T4923000 020:079 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0001ms, 0405ms total) 02-00000000-00-00022315-004C: T4923000 022:315 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0001ms, 0406ms total) 02-00000000-00-00024541-004C: T4923000 024:542 JLINK_GetHWStatus(...) returns 0x00 (0000ms, 0406ms total)