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      i have an IMAGE widget containing a PNG file. I want to have this image with transparency and make it blink (sometimes we see the balckground trough this image, and sometime we only see the baclground)

      1) I created the image in the frame with :
      { IMAGE_CreateIndirect, "DLC_not_active", ID_IMAGE_DLC_NO_ACTIVE_3, 13, 9, 241, 174, WM_CF_SHOW, IMAGE_CF_MEMDEV | IMAGE_CF_ALPHA, 0 },

      2) i set png file to this widget :
      case WM_INIT_DIALOG:

      hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hWin, ID_IMAGE_DLC_NO_ACTIVE_3);
      WM_SetCallback(hItem, _cbDLC_not_active2);
      IMAGE_SetPNG(hItem, &_acImage_DLC_not_active_transparent, sizeof(_acImage_DLC_not_active_transparent));

      3) in the call back i call GUI_PNG_Draw :
      case WM_PAINT:
      if (DLG_Load_menu_hide_show == 1)
      GUI_PNG_Draw(&_acImage_DLC_not_active_transparent, sizeof(_acImage_DLC_not_active_transparent), 0, 0);

      4) on timer event i call WM_HideWindow/WM_ShowWin
      if (DLG_Load_menu_hide_show == 0)
      DLG_Load_menu_hide_show = 1;

      DLG_Load_menu_hide_show = 0;

      The problem is that i can't make the image blinking (make it disapear)
      It seems that with a bitmap i don't have this problem (i don't need the call back and the blinking is OK)

      A) How can i make the image disapear ?

      B)It seems that the PNG image has contains transparency information to display it with transparency : can we diplay a non transparent PNG image in a IMAGE WIDGET with transparency ?

      best regards
    • Hi,

      Attached is an example which shows three different ways of letting an image blink.

      The first way is to create a dialog with an IMAGE widget and just hide/show the IMAGE widget each time a timer expires.

      The second is more or less the same but without a dialog. The IMAGE widget gets created as child of the desktop window.

      The third way is creating a simple window and manage drawing of the PNG in the callback.

      A) How can i make the image disapear ?
      See above. I guess the easiest way is to hide/show the IMAGE widget. No need to overwrite a callback.

      B)It seems that the PNG image has contains transparency information to
      display it with transparency : can we diplay a non transparent PNG image
      in a IMAGE WIDGET with transparency ?
      Of course, there is no difference in how the PNG gets displayed.

      There is no need to use GUI_EnableAlpha(). You should try to avoid this because it can have a big impact on the performance.

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    • Hi,
      Yes, you couldn't. I forgot to attach the file.

        (8.91 kB, downloaded 267 times, last: )
      Please read the forum rules before posting.

      Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
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