Error with "GUIDRV_LIN_OSY_4" from “GUIDRV_Lin.h”

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    • Error with "GUIDRV_LIN_OSY_4" from “GUIDRV_Lin.h”


      I want to use a 4-bit color scheme and also use the rotation of the screen orientation:
      To have Y axis mirrored, X and Y swapped.
      I used for rotation purpose parameter “GUIDRV_LIN_OSY_16” with the function “GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink”. It worked perfectly. But it is for 16-bit color depth.
      But I need to use 4-bit color because I want to accommodate the whole GUI in the internal RAM of MCU.
      While trying parameter “GUIDRV_LIN_OSY_4” I get compilation error “undefined reference to `GUIDRV_Lin_OSY_4_API'” and the app cannot be built.

      What I’m doing wrong? – in the header “GUIDRV_Lin.h” there is a references to this parameter:
      #define GUIDRV_LIN_OSY_4 &GUIDRV_Lin_OSY_4_API
      as far as for all other color depths from 1 to 16 bits and rotations (OXY, OSY, OSX...)

      With “GUIDRV_LIN_4” parameter I have no compiling error, but I need a display rotation with “OSY”.
      Even in the SDK example for “LPCXpresso 54608” Board – “lpcxpresso54608_emwin_examples_emwin_touch_and_draw” – I have the same error with “GUIDRV_LIN_OSY_4”.

      I've just read in the "UM03001 User & Reference Guide for emWin V5.40" for "GUIDRV_Lin" driver Section:
      Each combination of orientation and color depth is possible. Please note that currently not all combinations are shipped with the driver.
      If the required combination is not available, please send a request to obtain the required combination.

      Where I have to sent the request for 4-bit combination to?


      The post was edited 1 time, last by barbosa ().

    • Hi,

      You are right, there is no other orientation than the default one for the GUIDRV_LIN_4 driver.

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