[ABANDONED] FreeRTOS plugin under Eclipse crash

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  • [ABANDONED] FreeRTOS plugin under Eclipse crash

    I currently use the FreeRTOS plugin Under Eclipse Neon, with the arm tool chain on an STM32F769I processor. I use a Jlink PRO debugger with the latest firmware available.
    The plugin works very fine, congratulation to the development team and is very useful for multitasking debug.
    But a problem occurs if I stop the debugger before the FreeRTOS kernel start. Of course at that time the thread information can’t be loaded but the problem is that the debug stack is no more actualized at all.
    It seems that the plugin fail to retrieve the thread info and block the entire stack debug window update.
    Here is what appends when I put a breakpoint before the call to “osKernelStart”:
    Starting target CPU...
    ...Breakpoint reached @ address 0x08017E10
    ERROR: FreeRTOS maximum used priority is unreasonably big, not proceeding: 80000001.
    Reading all registers
    Read 4 bytes @ address 0x08017E10 (Data = 0xFE56F7E9)
    Reading all registers
    Removing breakpoint @ address 0x08017E10, Size = 2
    Removing breakpoint @ address 0x90019A4E, Size = 2
    Removing breakpoint @ address 0x9001CF16, Size = 2

    The same thing appends if the processors fall in Hard Fault Handler for example. It is then impossible to continue any debug under Eclipse
    Version used :
    Ecplise Neon CDT: (64bit, Windows 7)
    ARM Compiler for MCU
    GNU ARM C/C++ J-Link Debugging
    GNU MCU C/C++ J-Link Debugging
    Seeger JLink V6.22b
    Is there any workaround to be able to debug when the thread information retrieving process fails?
    Thanks in advance
    • FreeRTOS Plugin fails.png

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  • Hi,

    In your Seeger installaion path you should find:

    In your Eclipse Debug Configuration, Debbuger tab, J-Link GDB Server part, you have an input box called "Other options".

    You can add in that input box the following command: "-rtos GDBServer\RTOSPlugin_FreeRTOS".

    Then you should be able to view all the running threads in the eclipse debub view.
  • Hello,

    could you please enable the GDB server's log file?


    In case of an error, the GDB server should always report back a single task (thread) with the current register values.

    Best regards
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