How to use STM3210C-EVAL board with CubeMX generated code integrating (ST) emWin

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  • How to use STM3210C-EVAL board with CubeMX generated code integrating (ST) emWin


    I am using an STM3210C-EVAL board with the supplied LCD/touch demo code. Can someone either help me or direct me to a doc with specifics on porting that to a CubeMX design? I’m not sure why they use different drivers.

    And then, interfacing with a ILI9341 and touch controller with this LCD?…V-3-3V-STM32/201950756171

  • Hi,

    You can use the project which comes with the stm32CubeF1 package. All you have to do is to set up the GUIDRV_FlexColor driver a bit different and call a initialization fitting to the ILI9341.

    To set up the driver you can use the attached LCDConf.c as a reference. It already uses the correct FelxColorFunc (GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66709). You have to set the function pointer for communication and choose the proper mode (e.g. GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C1B8).

    EDIT: Forgot the attachement.


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