How to show dinamic variable

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  • How to show dinamic variable


    I'm using STemWin with STM32F429I Discovery board. I need show a variable on the Dialog. But I Don't know how to text a variable. Is there any example in this regard?

    Best Regards
    Thank you
  • Hi,

    There are several ways to display values. The easiest might just to call GUI_DispDec() and a value will appear on the screen.

    To display a value in a dialog simply react on WM_PAINT in the callback of the dialog and display the value.

    Attached is a quick example which shows both ways. You can switch by setting the define MEHTOD to either 0 or 1.

    Although, it is no dialog the way it works is the same aas with a dialog.

    EDIT: Forgot attachment.


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  • Thank you for the reply. I run your application. It works. I have one more question. I want to increase a number value when a button is pressed. I want to print this number value to a text. I wrote the following code in the pressed event of the button.

    PHP Source Code

    1. case WM_NOTIFY_PARENT:
    2. Id = WM_GetId(pMsg->hWinSrc);
    3. NCode = pMsg->Data.v;
    4. switch(Id) {
    5. case ID_BUTTON_0: // Notifications sent by 'Button'
    6. switch(NCode) {
    8. // USER START (Optionally insert code for reacting on notification message)
    9. STM_EVAL_LEDToggle(LED4);
    10. datax++;
    11. sprintf(st,"Sayi=%ld",datax);
    12. hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_TEXT_0);
    13. TEXT_SetText(hItem, st);
    14. // USER END
    15. break;
    17. // USER START (Optionally insert code for reacting on notification message)
    18. // USER END
    19. break;
    20. // USER START (Optionally insert additional code for further notification handling)
    21. // USER END
    22. } break;
    Display All

    This code is not working properly. When I press the button, the button appears on the text. Why does this happen?

    edit; Code was added

    The post was edited 3 times, last by FerhatYOL ().

  • Hi,

    nothing easier than that ;)

    Here is a short example how the text (value) of a TEXT widget gets changed on button press.


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  • Hi

    Thanks for your answer. I get it now.

    What do I need to do to write a constantly changing value to the Edit Widget? But I do not understand how this constantly changing values are printed. (For example: ADC Value) No events on pressing any button. Is a timer required for this?
  • Hi,

    I have modified the example from my last post and added an EDIT widget. Within the super loop I use the handle of the EDIT widget to set a random value.

    In this example I use the function WM_GetDialogItem() with the handle of the parent dialog and the ID of the EDIT widget. It is also possible to store the handle of the EDIT widget in a static variable when within WM_INIT_DIALOG.

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