[SOLVED] JLink stopped notifying IDE when execution halts

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  • [SOLVED] JLink stopped notifying IDE when execution halts

    I have just updated the driver (and firmware) on my Jlink. I was using 5.12 with associated firmware and it worked fine with Rowley Crossstudio 3.6.
    when debugging, disconnecting power from target caused the jlink connection to be dropped, as expected.
    After updating to 6.20d a warning that new firmware is available popped up. After allowing it to update, now when program execution stops, eg power removed from target, the JLink stays happily connectected and I have to manually halt the debugging.
    I am still using exact program and target etc as before. only change was the JLink driver/firmware update.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  • Hi,

    when debugging, disconnecting power from target caused the jlink connection to be dropped, as expected.
    After updating to 6.20d a warning that new firmware is available popped up. After allowing it to update, now when program execution stops, eg power removed from target, the JLink stays happily connectected and I have to manually halt the debugging..

    This is not a J-Link feature. The J-Link software does not end the debug session if VCC is lost.
    It seems like this a Crossworks feature which does not work with the current J-Link version.

    Did you reach out to the Crossworks team regarding that issue?
    Can you give the latest Crossworks version a try?

    Best regards,
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  • JLink stopped notifying IDE when execution halts

    I have contacted crossworks about this issue but they claim that they have only added in areas pertaining to tracing to JLINK interface. The rest is still the same as before.
    I have tried the newer crossworks (4.0)with same results.
    I managed to change back to the 5.12h driver and firmware with 3.6 crossworks and the problem went away.
    I have also tried 6.12a and it has same issue as 6.20d. 512h only works.
    Any ideas on what might of changed?
  • Hello Egan,

    Niklas is currently not available so i will try to answer your question.

    Could you attach J-Link Logs for the working case and not working case?

    How to enable log files is described here: wiki.segger.com/J-Link_DLL#Enable_J-Link_Log_File

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
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  • JLink stopped notifying IDE when execution halts

    1 - log file while running 5.12 (original.log)
    2 - log file after target loses power (seems to overwrite log file) (original after.log)
    3 - log file with updated dll to 6.20 (does not overwrite log file until I disconnect manually then looks the same as original after.log) (newdll.log)

    I included a screen shot of the jlink dll settings in case that is helpful on the overwriting thing.

    I edited newdll for size, it was just more of the lines surrounding my (inserted) "...." line
    • original.txt

      (67.51 kB, downloaded 320 times, last: )
    • original after.txt

      (250 Byte, downloaded 279 times, last: )
    • newdll.txt

      (250.67 kB, downloaded 299 times, last: )
  • Hello Egan,

    Thank you for providing the logfiles.
    Generally the J-Link Firmware versions seem to behave the same.

    Why do you need to disconnect power during debug session?
    What is your setup here?
    What target device are you trying to debug?
    Is it possible to provide us with a Crossworks example project for reproduction?

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

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  • JLink stopped notifying IDE when execution halts

    hi Nino,
    It's not do much why I have to, there are just some scenarios where it is useful. A couple :processor enters a sleep mode which disconnects from JLINK.multiple board tests, turn power off, change board, power up again. Then must disconnect to use debugger again with new setup. Before you just hit "Go" again and it connected loaded and ran again.
    It is an STM32F415RG chip. It is on a proprietary board setup.
    I have included a zip file with a simple project attached to this. Unfortunately, I could not attach the libraries as they exceeded maximum size.
    Note: i tried an experiment where I updated FW on JLINK to sep 26 2017 17:00:16 (V6.20 version) and ran with the Jlinkdll from 5.12 and this worked. Only if i switch dll as well then it stops.
    • fw-rtos pt1.zip

      (78.81 kB, downloaded 247 times, last: )
  • JLink stopped notifying IDE when execution halts


    Just an update today, I said yesterday updating fw seemed to work if I used the old dll.
    Not completely true, although dropping power seemed to work. after i press the stop debugging button, unless i also disconnect from Jlink, it comes back with verification errors.
    So still issues with original Dll with newer firmware. :(
  • Hello Egan,

    As Niklas wrote, this "feature" was never intended to work as the J-Link has no information about the target anymore after a power drop.
    That is why a new debug session needs to be established.
    If it has ever worked under certain circumstances it was pure luck.
    This is no bug and it will not be implemented.

    What you can try is to reflash the old J-Link Firmware when it "worked".
    More information can be found in the J-Link User Manual under the keyword invalidatefw.

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

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