[ABANDONED] J-Link GDB Server for iMX7D M4 Debugging

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  • [ABANDONED] J-Link GDB Server for iMX7D M4 Debugging


    I am able to execute the instructions in the link below to run NXP FreeRTOS blinking LED demo app on a NXP iMX7D Sabre board.
    I stopped the Sabre board after UBoot but before Linux was loaded. Then I followed the given instructions. It works and I can see messages on the M2 console.


    Instead of loading the bin file, I would like to load an elf file from a GDB client.

    I have used the following commands to run JLink GDB server after running start_CortexA7_0.bat first.

    JLinkGDBServerCL.exe -rtos GDBServer\RTOSPlugin_FreeRTOS -device CORTEX-M4 -if JTAG -speed 1000 -noir -nohalt -endian little -nolocalhostonly -jtagconf 4,2 -scriptfile iMX7D_Connect_CortexM4.JLinkScript

    I then ran a GDB client and was able to connect to the JLink GDB server. I used the load command to load the blinking demo elf file. After that I entered "c" in GDB client to start the blinking LED app. But nothing was showed on the M4 console.
    Please help.
  • Hi,

    After that I entered "c" in GDB client to start the blinking LED app. But nothing was showed on the M4 console.

    Do the LEDs blink?
    What are you referring to with "M4 console"?

    Best regards,
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