Drawing in Windows / Widget

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  • Drawing in Windows / Widget

    I've been trying to understand how to draw something in a window. I have a STM32F746G-Disco board and started with the STemWin Hello World example. Currently I have used the GUIBuilder to create a Window and inside that window are some images. Which creates this:

    C Source Code

    1. WM_HWIN CreateWindow(void);
    2. WM_HWIN CreateWindow(void) {
    3. WM_HWIN hWin;
    4. hWin = GUI_CreateDialogBox(_aDialogCreate, GUI_COUNTOF(_aDialogCreate), _cbDialog, WM_HBKWIN, 0, 0);
    5. return hWin;
    6. }

    Along with the associated callback function _cbDialog to initiate and "set" the images, which displays correctly.

    I have also implemented touch and would like for some actions to happen when they are pressed, so I have added

    C Source Code


    in my switch case statement for the callback _cbDialog, similar to how a button works. This works for manipulating the images that already exists in the window (redrawing them, set to top, etc).

    I now would like to draw a line, or display text. This is where it gets fuzzy for me. Looking at the manual and searches on the forum, it seems I should add the WM_PAINT case to the callback and call a draw function in there. So I try

    C Source Code

    1. case WM_PAINT:
    2. GUI_DispStringAt("Hello world",0,0);
    3. break;
    4. default:
    5. ...

    but it does not get displayed.

    I have looked at: Drawing over widgets , Paint text on top of all existing dialog windows , and Cannot execute line drawing functions in any other window other than the Desktop Window. . I have read through the manual and have not been able to find my answer.

    When debugging, I see that it is getting to the WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED and WM_PAINT, so they are being reached.

    Is there any examples that show how to properly implement this?

    Thank you,
  • From my testing and reading through of the manual I have found that there is one primary window and then any other window created after that summarized (by me) here:

    Possible Windows:
    1. Background / Desktop Window (WM_HBKWIN)
    • a. This is where any text or 2D graphics draw functions will be normally drawn
    • b. The z-position of this window cannot be changed
    2. Any Window / Widget created
    • a. All Windows have a z-position that is stacked in the order of creation
    • b. All Windows can have children, which also are given a z-position stacked in the order of creation
    • c. The z-position can be manipulated by WM_* functions, such as WM_BringToTop()
    • d. The GUIBuilder uses a Dialog Box for a Window that has Widget(s) as children

    Therefore what that means is that any draw functions that want to be used with a Widget / Window, needs to be called inside the case WM_PAINT of a widgets callback function (Note 1), which will be clipped by the window's / widget's defined area, otherwise it will get drawn on the Background / Desktop Window and has a change to be drawn over top of.

    Can you verify if these assumption / findings are correct?

    It then seems to be possible to create a transparent Window that has been brought to the front in order to draw on the most top layer, but I will need to verify this.

    Note1: Refer to STemwin528, page 435 17.8 example for assigning a callback function

    The post was edited 3 times, last by amorganPD ().

  • Hi amorgan,

    Your assumptions are correct.

    I have attached a quick sample which should show how to draw in a window.
    Drawing into the 'main window' of the dialog and into a window created as child of this dialog.

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