[SOLVED] J-Link OB for Atmel EDBG: problems with Windows driver on a single PC

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  • [SOLVED] J-Link OB for Atmel EDBG: problems with Windows driver on a single PC

    I already have a J-Link that works well on two PCs.
    I have an ev-board from Atmel, SAMD21 Xplained Pro that implements Atmel EDBG on-board debugger/programmer.

    I noticed Segger released a firmware for EDBG that transforms EDBG into J-Link OB debugger. I uploaded the firmware released by Segger in the board and it works well on one PC.

    On a second PC I have problems related to driver. When I connect the board, Windows tries to find and install a driver without success. In Peripherals window there is a J-Link device with the yellow exlamation mark.

    Windows on the second PC has some problems. Any help to fix?
  • Hi,

    is the current SEGGER software installed on the 2nd PC?
    can you check whether usb.inf is not corrupted? (Explanation)

    Best regards,
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