Rotate antialiased font

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  • Rotate antialiased font


    When drawing a rotated text with a 4bpp antialiased font, the text is not shown.
    If using a non-antialiased font the text is rotated just fine, and antialiased font without rotation is also fine.

    Is rotated antialiased text supported? (I have emWin v4.06c with AA)

    Best regards


    C Source Code

    1. GUI_DispStringInRectEx(... , GUI_ROTATE_0);

    NOT OK

    C Source Code

    1. GUI_DispStringInRectEx(... , GUI_ROTATE_180);
  • Hi,

    Yes it is supported.
    We have fixed some issues with antialiased fonts in emWin version 5.24e and 5.24d.

    I would recommend to upgrade to a newer version.

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