UTF-8 characters displaying in text-boxes but not listviews/dropdowns/edit-boxes

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  • UTF-8 characters displaying in text-boxes but not listviews/dropdowns/edit-boxes


    I recently purchased emWin Font Converter to add special characters to my character set in emWin.

    I have successfully displayed UTF8 characters in text boxes using the following code for example:

    TEXT_SetText(hItem, "Δa");

    However, if I do the same for other dialog types, it is not successful:

    LISTVIEW_SetItemText(hItem, 0,0, "Δa");
    DROPDOWN_AddString(hItem, "Δa");
    EDIT_SetText(hItem, "Δa");

    In each case, the text "a" is displayed instead of "Δa".

    Is this a known limitation of emWin or is there any way I can display UTF8 characters in all dialog types?

  • Hi Steven,

    I've attached a short sample to demonstrate how to use UTF8 characters, please have a look at it.

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