Breakpoints when processor is running using ARM AXD Debugger

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  • Breakpoints when processor is running using ARM AXD Debugger

    We are using J-Link PLUS with the ARM AXD debugger over the RDI interface on Windows 7. Our processor is an Arm9

    We are not able to set any breakpoints when the processor is running. When using the old Multi-ICE pod with AXD we are able to set breakpoints when the (same) processor is running.

    In the SEGGER J-Link Control Panel we have set the "Modify breakpoints during execution" to Allow, but it does not seem to have any effect.
  • Hi,

    please note that ARM AXD debugger is no longer maintained by ARM. The successor of this software is ARM-DS5.
    However, if you provide us with a project which can be used for reproduction(it should work for any ARM9), we will take a look at it.

    As an alternative, we recommend J-Link Debugger. It can be used free of charge with a J-Link PLUS or higher.
    Maintaining both the debugger and the debug probe enables us to provide better and faster support in case anything goes wrong .

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system:

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.
  • Attached is a simple project, but I don't think the project matters.

    Breakpoints work OK if the AXD debugger is paused, but when the debugger is running you cannot set a breakpoint. The old AXD debugger with the multi-ice pod allows breakpoints to be set when the processor is running.

    We have a legacy project, and have been trying to avoid upgrading to DS-5. We did try the J-Link debugger, but unfortunately our project uses a large number of small separate images (axf files), and I think the J-Link debugger only allows one image to be loaded at a time.


      (8.44 kB, downloaded 330 times, last: )
  • We are successfully able to set breakpoints when the processor is running using the J-Link Ultra probe with this version information. Unfortunately the J-Link Ultra (not Ultra+) is not available for sale.

    ARM RDI 1.5.1 -> ASYNC RDI Protocol Converter ADS v1.2 [Build number 848]. Copyright (c) ARM Limited 2001.
    SEGGER J-Link RDI DLL V5.00c, compiled Jun 11 2015 11:41:06
    SEGGER J-Link ARM DLL V5.00c, compiled Jun 11 2015 11:40:27
    Firmware: J-Link Ultra Rev.1 compiled Dec 3 2013 14:27:53
    Hardware: V1.00c
    Feature(s) : RDI, GDB