problem with stemwin WM in FreeRTOS [solved]

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  • problem with stemwin WM in FreeRTOS [solved]


    I try to run some basic example for stemwin with freertos but get hard faults. I took BasicHelloWorld example and added freertos to it (with cube wrapper for OS). I am able to run single task with stemwin: task initializes gui, lcd is configured correctly. Everything works if I simply display text on screen (i.e. I use GUI_DispDecAt()) - the task includes while(1) loop which increments counter which is displayed on screen - the display is updated correctly - I can see incremented values of the counter on screen. Now if I use some Window manager stuff the thing stops working:

    hButton = BUTTON_CreateEx(10, 50, 219, 30, 0, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, GUI_ID_BUTTON0);

    BUTTON_SetText(hButton, "EHLO");

    BUTTON_SetFont(hButton, &GUI_Font8x15B_ASCII);

    if(GUI_Exec() != 0) {


    here I added a button, it is displayed GUI_Exec returns != 0, but next time I call GUI_Delay() it never returns and the task hangs, last message from debugger is
    101 in ..\..\..\..\..\Utilities\Third_Party\STemWin526_20150226\GUI\Core/GUI_Time.c

    but unfortunatelly I have no access to source to debug it further. Could anyone comment on this?

    The post was edited 1 time, last by cek ().

  • Thank you for the response. The timing functions are OK. Just as feedback for someone who may search for similiar issue: it appears the stack size for the task was to small, after increasing the stack size gui thread works as expected.