Changing the appearance of the EDIT widget

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  • Changing the appearance of the EDIT widget


    I want to change the appearance of the EDIT widget.
    Especially I want to remove the frame around the widget and the text color of the character which is highlighted by the cursor, as well as the cursor color.
    Is it possible to change the stated properties?
    I use the GUI Lib v5.26 provided from Keil MDK.

  • Hello Thomas,

    In order to remove the frame of the EDIT widget calling the function WIDGET_SetEffect() should be sufficient. The colors can be changed using the functions EDIT_SetTextColor() and EDIT_SetBkColor(). Please note that the blinking cursor inverts all of the colors in its rectangle at the current position. Inverting the colors currently can not be changed. This functionality will be added to a future emWin version.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Adrian,

    thanks for the quick reply.
    Your proposal sounds good.
    I know that the functions EDIT_SetTextColor() and EDIT_SetBkColor() change the text and the background color of the widget.
    But do these two functions also influence the cursor color?
