Multiple copies of image repeated in single screen buffer

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  • Multiple copies of image repeated in single screen buffer

    We are using emWin version 5.16 on the LPC1788 with screen buffer located in external static RAM. I am able to run emWin and show something on the screen. I have attached an image of our screen that has multiple copies of the same bitmap in our screen buffer. I am using one buffer which is the screen buffer residing in external static RAM at address 0x9000000. Any ideas why this image is shown multiple times in the one screen buffer? The image is also rotated which is another issue I am working with the LCD vendor. I am not using Window Manager. Only calls to GUI_DrawBitmap(&bm_UISHELL, 0 , 0).

    Robert Moss
    • DSC00248-small.jpg

      187.73 kB, 912×684, viewed 1,095 times
  • Hello Robert,

    It looks like the buffers are too small to contain a full screen. If the frame buffer start address is set to the beginning of the first buffer and the second buffer is placed right behind the first one, actually both buffers are shown on the display.

    Best regards,
  • I believe there is an issue with my memory buffer size. I will take a look at that. I also would like to rotate the image as you can see it is 90 degrees off. I tried calling SetOrientation(), then there was a hard fault when calling GUI_Clear() right after that call. Could this be related to the memory issue? Is there additional memory requred for rotating when using multi buffering. If so, is this memory in the same space as the VRAM address, which is external SRAM address 0x90000000? I am using an external SRAM chip with 8 bit bus.



    The post was edited 1 time, last by remoss ().

  • emWin Crashes when GUI RAM moved to external Static RAM

    I tried to move the GUI_RAM and VRAM to our external static RAM via the linker file and location designators in LCDConf.c and GUIConf.c starting at address 0x90000000 and when I run it crashed in GUI_Init(). Is there anything special emWin needs to use this external static RAM? I put the GUI RAM back in internal SRAM and it does not crash but I still have the muliple images rotated bitmap. The static RAM chip is:


    It is 4MB connected by 8 bit bus.

    RMoss ?(
  • Hello Robert,

    Please understand that it is not possible for me to support time-consuming problems. If you need support with your external static RAM, please contact the hardware manufacturer. If you feel this problem is caused by emWin, please provide me with information which enables me to reproduce the problem.

    Best regards,
  • I included my files for LCDConf, GUIConf, and linker icf file in the post emWin crashes in external SRAM. Can you reproduce with those files. That is all I have an issue with now. I was able to rotate the image using the correct LIN display driver. Now I just need to move GUI RAM to external Static RAM.

  • The emWin crash in external SRAM and the multiple copies of image were both a direct result of the address bus lines populated were only A0 to A16 on an 8 bit SRAM which only gives 0-65535 of addressable space. Thanks for the assistance.

    RMoss :thumbup: