cursor won't move

  • cursor won't move

    I use ewin5.20 ,I have Analog touch, i wrote analog driver for my board.
    It worked fine but i don't know what happened that my cursor wont't move any more !

    i check the coordinate by function "GUI_TOUCH_GetxPhys() " and "GUI_TOUCH_GetyPhys() "
    and it return true, in another word when i press the touch they change correctly .
    "GUI_TOUCH_Exec()" function is called every 100 ms
    cursor is always at top left corner

    so what is my mistake ?

    Any help will be appreciated

    The post was edited 1 time, last by mori64 ().

  • YOZHik wrote:

    From the manual: "The application should call it about 100 times/second." 100 times/second constitutes not 100 ms but 10 ms interval.
    I changed it but nothing changed !
    and the point is the "GUI_TOUCH_GetyPhys() ,GUI_TOUCH_GetxPhys()" return correct .
    why cursor won't change ?
  • Hello,

    How do you process the touch events? Do you store any touch events if the touch is not pressed? Since you tell that GUI_TOUCH_GetyPhys() returns a correct value, there might be something overwriting this value, so the cursor always stays at the upper left corner.

    Best regards,